By: Audrey John

19yrs-old Abubakarr Jalloh a security guard and 35yrs old Aminata Conteh a Cook made another appearance before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Pademba road court No.2 in Freetown on two count charges to wit Conspiracy to commit a felony contrary to law and Store breaking and larceny contrary to section 26 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916

According to the particulars of offence on count one on Friday 20th May 2022 at No.3 Wilkinson road the western area in Freetown with intent to steal conspired together and with other persons unknown to commit a felony to wit store breaking and Larceny.

 On count two at the same place and date the accused persons entered into the stores of Binta Barrie and stole therein two Dell Laptop computers, one CCTV Camera with it equipment, one 65 inches Samsung plasma television, one Samsung IPad and other assorted items all to the grand sum of four hundred and eighty five thousand Leones (418,385,000) property of Binta Barrie Diallo.

The charges were read and explained to the accused persons and they pleaded not guilty.

However, Magistrate Ngegba refused bail and sent both accused persons to the male correctional center in Freetown.

The matter was adjourned to the 14th June 2022 for further hearing.

Deputy Superintendent of police Hawa Bah is prosecuting the matter.

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