By: Audrey John

Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Road Court No.2 on 13th September, 2022 refused 55 accused persons bail again for allegedly involving in the August 10 protest.

The accused Mabinty Bangura, Mohamed Jalloh, Kadiatu Kamara, Osman Junior Kamara, Maseray Bangura, Kadiatu Bangura, Mohamed Kargbo and 48 others  are been investigated for twenty one count charges ranging from Disorderly behavior, riotous conduct, malicious damage, loitering, carrying offensive weapon and throwing missiles contrary to law.

According to the particulars of offence, on Wednesday 10th August, 2022 at various locations within Freetown, the accused persons behaved in a riotous and disorderly manner, they were found throwing missiles and loitering within Freetown, they  maliciously damage K-Step Police Post, Kissy police post, Congo Water Police Post, Approved School Police Post, Wellington Police Post and amongst others.

Led in evidence by Police Prosecutor Ibrahim S. Mansaray, First Prosecution Witness (PW1) Assistant Superintendent of Police Foday Bundu attached to the Kissy Police Division recognized 44th 45th, 43rd, 42nd and 41st accused in the dock, while others he came to recognized them while they were in police custody.

PW1 recalled the aforesaid date when he was at the aforesaid division about 19:00 hours when he was with other police Officers including some Operational Support the Division officers.

He said the OPS Officer ASP Macarthy received a distressed call and upon on that, they on boarded in a Police vehicles SLP 098 and 095 respectively, adding that he was in control of SLP 098 vehicle.

PW1 said that when they arrived at the Ataya base along City Road Wellington Brima Lane, they met a large group of people including women wearing white and black T shirt polo written on it PPP and some wearing assorted clothes respectively. He noted that they met a road blocked and people burning tires.

He said they further met a group of people headed by former Councilor ABK who also was wearing Black T shirt, adding that Mr. Macarthy interrogated them and talked to them to return to their various destination but they did not.

PW1 said that one of the protesters wearing Black T shirt confronted the OPS Officer that he would not listen to any advice and he would do what suited him.

PW1 inform the court that the alleged protester was therefore arrested, because they were pelting stone on them and he was subsequently taking to the Ross Road Police Division, he said when he was at Ross Road, the Regional Commandeer received call that both Old and new road in east end of Freetown have been blocked by another protesters and they went at the scene they arrived at Rokupa new road they met another group of crowd burning down tires.

And the alleged protesters pelted stones on them chanting that Maada must go and that that day belongs to them and they must go to Freetown.

The PW1 emphasized that the protesters were pelting stones and while there they received information of another group from Congo Water and they went there too and the accused were chanting the same words and pelting and insulting them.

He said when they went there they met two police vehicles going towards that end, adding that the Ops Officer received another intelligence that there were another protesters protesting at old road, and upon arriving there they met OSD officers who arrested 15 of them that were handed over to them and were taking to Ross Road Division.

PW1 said he wrote his report and handed over to the crime officers and he had cause to return to Kissy where he met other alleged protesters in police cell, adding that they received another intelligence of protesters from Shell Old road  and upon reaching there,  the protesters pelted stones on them and when they ran after them the 41 42, 43 44 accused were arrested.

He said the protesters were burning tyres and amongst other things, and were subsequently taking to the Kissy Police Division.

PW said he later made statement at the criminal investigation department on the said division.

At this stage, Defense Counsel M. Beretay cross examined the PW1 and he subsequently requested bail for his clients but he was rejected

The matter comes up again on Wednesday 14th September, 2022 for furtherhearing.

Assistant Superintendent of Police Ibrahim S. Mansaray prosecutes.

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