By Audrey John

Ibrahim Dumbuya made his first appearance before Magistrate Sahr  Keikura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on one count charge to wit Obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to section (32) (1) of the Larceny Act 1916

According to the particulars of offence sometimes in the year 2021 in Freetown the western area in Freetown obtained the sum of eleven thousand United States dollars equivalent to one hundred and twenty two million Leones (122,000,000) from Michael Sani by falsely pretending that you have quantity of gold and diamonds for sale knowing same to be false

The charge was read and explained to the accused person he pleaded guilty

However Magistrate Keikura fact as charge the accused person was sent to the male correctional center in Freetown for record and sentenced

Matter adjourned to the 18th March 2022

Sergeant 9155 Dwight Macarthy prosecuting the Matter

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