By: Audrey Raymonda John

29yrs-old Sahr Konday a Contractor made his first appearance before Magistrate Peter Gogra of Pademba road court No.6 in Freetown on one count charge to wit Fraudulent conversion Contrary to Section 20 (1) (iv) (a) of the Larceny Act of 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on Saturday 19th November 2022 at Pedro Drive off Regent Road Lumley the western area in Freetown Fraudulently converted to his own use or benefit certain property that is to say nine length of iron rod one cartoon wire nail one gallon wood preservative ten length Star rod three bundles of zinc two boxes of roofing nails and one electricity distribution supply agency EDSA metre all to the total sum of five thousand four and forty Leones(5,440) entrusted to him by Mohamed Kargbo for the purpose of safe keeping.

The charge was read and explained to the accused person no plea was taken.

Assistant Superintendent of police Abdul Sannoh led first prosecution witness (PW1) Mohamed Kargbo a builder who said he recognized the accused as his site man and also recalled on the 19th November 2022 something transpired between himself and the accused person; at this junction the prosecutor seek for a short adjournment date.

Main while, Magistrate Gogra granted the accused person bail in the sum of twenty million Leones with two sureties in like sum sureties to be resident in the western area sureties to produce valid identity card one surety to be employed bail to be approved by the Bench. Matter was adjourned to the 10th January 2022 for further hearing.

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