Orange Sierra Leone Kono Branch office has over the weekend donated assorted food items to more than five hundred Muslims at the Njama Mosque in Koidu City.
Donating the assorted food items to their beneficiaries , the Area Business Manager Orange Sierra Leone Kono Branch Amadu Barrie maintained that feeding Muslims during the month of Ramadan is a normal activity by his institution and therefore described the gesture as “ Ramandan Sunakaty”.

Mr. Barrie pointed out that the rationale behind the said feeding is for Orange Sierra Leone to give back to the people especially subscribers owing to the business they have been doing with the company over the years and implored them to always do business with Orange Sierra Leone for reasonable and effective communication.
The Area Business Manager Orange Sierra Leone Kono Branch Concluded by thanking the people of Kono District for patronizing with the company and urged them not to relent as Orange Sierra Leone is the best among the rest for reasonable and effective Communication. On behalf of the beneficiaries of the donated assorted food items the Chief Imam of the aforementioned Mosque Alhaji Kawusu Sheriff Idara expressed delight for such gesture nothing that since he became the Chief Imam at the Njaima Mosque in Koidu City Orange Sierra Leone is the first institution that has ever extended such gesture to the Mosque and prayed for Allah to bless the operations of Orange Sierra Leone. Other beneficiaries of the donated food items also thanked their benefactor Orange Sierra Leone for feeding them during the month of Ramadan.

They further pleaded with other institutions operating in Kono District to emulate good works of Orange Sierra Leone as blessed is the hand that giventh than the one that receiveth they ended.