By; Audrey John

In another appearance of LAJ popular musician in court, he was seen visibly shedding tears in court as it was made known in disclosed in court about the singer’s birthday.

  Musa Mansaray the alleged victim on Tuesday 28 June 2022 Testified in the alleged ongoing preliminary investigation into the alleged robbery with Violence incident at LEOCON filling station involving Alhaji Amadu Bah (LAJ).

The accused Alhaji Amadu Bah who made his third appearance before magistrate Kekura of Pademba road court No1 was arraigned on four counts charges of rubbery with Violence and assault.

According to the police the accused Alhaji Amadu Bah on Sunday 12 June 2022 at LEOCON filling station with intent to robbed, stole the sum of Le 4,200,000 and assaulted a pump attendant.

The matter was adjourned today for ruling however, Magistrate Kekura said upon hearing of the objection made by the defence counsel Madieu Sesay and having Peruse the application made by the defence counsel he said let the mobile phone be given to the second prosecution witness Musa Mansaray.

Led in evidence by Yusif Isaac Sesay Esq

Prosecution witness number three Francess Wilson pump attendant at Leonco fuel station at water street Freetown said she recognized the second prosecution witness Musa Mansaray as her colleague and she knows Christiana Koroma and Ishmail Kamara as her colleague at the said station she recognized the accused person as a popular musician and he was the person that was at the said station.

 She recall on the 12th June 2022 she was on duty at the said station something transpired between herself and the accused person on the said date.

 She was at the said station counting the Money that was sold when she saw one black jeep without number plate enter the said station they come towards her pump and she saw the accused at the front the passenger seat and Ishmail the driver with Buju and other people she can’t tell their names.

The witness said Buju ask who is here and she answered and he told her that she’s not supposed to seat let her stand and told her that Freetown girls are working at the same time a prostitute, he told her that after prostitution at night when they went to work they’re tired that why she’s sitting down.

She told the driver Ishmail to park appropriately and he asked the driver the amount of fuel he wants and he told her that they’re in need of five hundred thousand Leones fuel and she asked her colleague how much five hundred thousand Leones fuel costs per liters he told her that twenty seven liters and some points.

 He asked his colleague Ishmail Kamara if she pumps the fuel he ask her to hold on let him communicate with the accused person and she couldn’t tell what transpired between accused and her colleague and she was asked to pump the fuel and she start the pumping when Ishmail her colleague told her that “baby da Timber land boat u go kill am oh”.

 Her colleague called the accused person to come out to translate what he was communicating with her the accused person come out of the vehicle and stand by her, the driver Ishmail ask her to remove the nozzle from the vehicle.

 The accused told her that “baby you’re fucking public servant ” the witness said she remove the nozzle from the vehicle at that time the fuel was twenty seven liters the witness said the driver removed the vehicle from the station whilst the accused person pushed her.

She felt on the pump and he took the money that was on the pumping machine which was one million two hundred and sixty six thousand Leones, the accused was coming closer to her when her colleague Musa Mansaray intervenes.

 The accused hold on Musa on his cloth and hit him on his eye the witness said the driver Ishmail and Buju come down from the vehicle hold the bag containing his Money.

 The witness said they were fighting on the bag containing money which belongs to Musa and that her colleague Christiana and her Manager come out from the fuel station whilst Christiana was about to film the incident the accused saw Christiana while she was filming and rush at her and grabbed her phone whilst the others Ishmail and Buju joined the accused person to grabbed her.

 She took her phone sending it to Christiana, Ishmail her colleague and he put it inside his bag the accused left Christiana and rushed to Ishmail her colleague the accused person grabbed Ishmail on his throat whilst the others came trying to remove his bag on his hand.

 The witness said the accused person removed the phone from his bag with some Money that was sold and send the bag to Ishmail the driver and they on-board the vehicle before going.

 They said they’ll burn the fuel station the witness said their manager ask Musa Mansaray to make report at the police station and they went to Congo Cross police station and made statement where police medical request form was given to her.

 She endorsed the medical request form at Lumley hospital and she later returned it to Congo Cross police station the police medical request form was produced in court for identification it was identified as X.

Counsel applied that a Subpoena to be served on the medical Superintendent of the male correctional center to tender the medical report of the accused in court.

When the accused person will take the witness box that will be the time they’ll be served with a medical and he object to the doctor coming to testify in court

After addressing the Bench defense counsel told the bench that today is the birthday of the accused person and his half year old daughter was singing birthday songs for his father and he has been behind bars for months now he pleaded with the Bench.

 The bench to give him his birthday gift by giving the accused person bail, the accused person and his wife and family shed tears in court.

However, Magistrate Kekura refused bail based on the seriousness of the allegation.

 Matter adjourned to the 8th July 2022 for cross examination.

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