Ibrahim Kamara a nurse at the Pujehun government hospital is in police custody for allegedly sexually penetrating an eight-year-old girl. The survivor’s identity has been withheld for her protection.

Report states that Ibrahim Kamara succeeded in sexually penetrating the underage girl owing to the absent of electricity in that of the country and as result the perpetrator normally uses his generator which attracts many people for the recharging of their mobile phones including the underage girl in question together with her peers who do visit the perpetrator’s home to watch film whenever he switches on his generator.

The report further that Ibrahim Kamara as a single young man after driving his wife for denying him sex last Friday succeeded in sexually penetrating the under girl whose mother later discovered her daughter’s plight the following day she was penetrated as blood was seen oozing from her vagina. She explained that she was sexually penetrated by nurse Ibrahim Kamara.  Meanwhile, she was later taken to the Pujehun government hospital for confirmation.

Ibrahim Kamara (alleged perpetrator) confirmed to authorities of been the perpetrator of the act, noting it was the work of the devil.

Ibrahim is presently in police custody helping them in their investigation while the underage girl is responding to treatment.

According to recent Police sources indicated that sexual penetration is on the increase in Pujehun District.

In another development, a six-year-old boy Peter Aruna of Serabu village in Pujehun District is reported to have fallen off a mango tree and died on the spot.

The incident occurred when the boy came from school hungry and decided to harvest some mangoes for his consumption when he fell off the said mango tree and died on the spot. His remains have been buried.


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