The National Sports Authority (NSA) would like to congratulate Bo Rangers Football Club and Mogbwemo Queens for winning the Sierra Leone Men’s Premier League and the Sierra Leone Women’s Premier League respectively.

Both winners exhibited fortitude and good game spirits to attain the acme of excellence in the country’s top-tier football leagues. Their successes will form a significant part of the Sierra Leone football history.

Furthermore, the NSA wishes to thank all the clubs that participated in the respective elite leagues for competing peacefully and for displaying sportsmanship when it was needed.

The organization of the leagues cannot be shunned at this time. Therefore, the NSA would like to extend thanks to both Premier League Boards for spearheading the activities of the tournaments right through to this time. They have done a remarkable job that continues to bring thousands of Sierra Leoneans together.

From the far end, the fans are worth considering for supporting their respective clubs without whom match days will be trite. Continue to support your teams.

The Executive Director of NSA, Dr. Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai Esq, emphasizes Government’s financial support to the leagues where the Sierra Leone Premier League Men’s Board was given Two Million Nine Hundred and Twelve Thousand New Leones (NLe. 2,912,000) while the Sierra Leone Premier League Women’s Board received Two Million Eight Hundred and Seventy-nine Thousand Seven Hundred New Leones (NLe 2,879,700).

The NSA Boss says this huge contribution from Government significantly played a part to the successful organization of the two leagues.

“The aim is to foster cohesiveness and creates jobs for young people across the country.

“Government understands the importance of creating unity and empowering the young. That is the core reason it is investing in sports. Next year, it will continue to support the leagues where talents can be identified to feed into the Leone Stars squad. Talents from home backed by our professionals can boost our performance in continental and global representations,” he adds.

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