National Council of Paramount Chiefs (NCPC) has recently noted with concern the disrespectful attacks in form of sarcastic and ignorant statements by certain groups and individuals on social, traditional media and in public gatherings against the ‘Bondo” Society, which have the tendency of putting the dignity of women into the mud of disrespect and to a large extent, create instability in our Chiefdoms. 

As custodians of traditions and culture through constitutional protected customary law, we condemn the ongoing trend of these public discussions and urge all those concerned to desist forthwith.

It is to be noted that our concern on this matter have been expressed to the government through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and that there is current no law against our time-honored tradition of secret societies including the “Bondo” Society. We would also like to remind the general public that it is only the members of NCPC in consultation with Government that have the mandate to regulate traditional practices in Sierra Leone.

While we appreciate dialogues on national development, individuals and organizations including the media should respect the codes of engagement on secret societies.

© National Secretary,  PC FAYIA SUNDIFU BRIMA SOVULA IV of Kamajei Chiefdom, Moyamba District

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