January 28, 2022

A high-power technical delegation from China has on 26th January, 2022 presented the rehabilitation work plans to the Minister of Sports, Ibrahim Nyelenkeh at his office Bishop House national Stadium in Freetown.

During the presentation, Wan Baoxin, Head of the delegation and Senior Engineer, expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Sports for its collaborative efforts in maintaining the existing bilateral relations between the government of China and Sierra Leone.

He explained the work plan and time frame required to ensure the completion of the work.

 “We are here to ensure we complete the work within the shortest possible time frame effective February 25th, 2022. Our main focus is to make sure we capacitate the sports facilities to meet international standards”, Baoxin said.

He further explained to the Minister of Sports, Ibrahim Nyelenkeh the challenges they have realized, as people are still dwelling in the Stadium and Hostels respectively. He also called on the Ministry to ensure those residing within the stadium premises vacate with immediate effect to expedite the work.

Minister of Sports, Ibrahim Nyelenkeh, gracefully welcomed the Chinese delegation and expressed thanks to the Chinese government on behalf of President Dr. Julius Maada Bio, the government and the entire people of Sierra Leone, for the kind consideration and fulfillment of a promise by ensuring the National Stadium is rehabilitated.

Minister Nyelenkeh assured that the facility will be fully handed over to the Chinese delegation between now and January 31st, 2022. “It sounds very disappointing for people to occupy the complex without the notice of the Ministry of Sports. Action is going to be taken immediately and we shall make sure all the keys to the Stadium are handed over by the end of January 2022”.

He also assured the delegation of his Ministry’s support, calling on all occupants and squatters to leave the premises of the National Stadium to avoid embarrassment. The Permanent Secretary, SOZ Alghalie thanked the delegation, calling on the National Sports Authority (NSA) to ensure that all diligence is followed to complete the work within the stipulated period


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