The National Mineral Agency has come under serious criticism based on the slow pace of development to conduct the community development committee (CDC) leadership at both the Sierra Rutile Mining and Vimetco Bauxite Mining.

According to report, both CDC elections would have been held last year to bring in new leadership structures. Unfortunately NMA decided to push the process due to the fact that certain requirements were not met or complied with.

Few months ago, community members raised concerns that the leadership of CDC Vimetco has expired and fresh elections should be conducted .Candidates that wanted to vie for chairmanship positions for CDC Vimetco started campaigning but the process came to an abrupt end as there were tensions all over Lower Banta chiefdom.

One of the candidates, Joseph Smith, alleged to be an advocate for PC Russell of Lower Banta chiefdom, was said to be a non-viable person for that position. Another candidate, Sylvester Bob Carter, said to be a popular one was maligned and trouble crawled in as attacks are prominent to happen anytime from now.

The election of CDC leadership at Sierra Rutile has also being put on hold for some reasons by National Mineral Agency.

The Community Affairs Officer of NMA, Henry Kamara was called up yesterday but his line was completely off.

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