By: Mohamed M. Sesay

At the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT)   Press Seminar held on Friday the 10th of June 2022, the Director General of NASSIT Mohamed Fuad Daboh, disclosed to galaxy of journalists that he has rejected the proposal made by the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), to erase the long outstanding NASSIT contributions owed by Media Owners.

 He considered such request made by SLAJ for a waiver as an absolute disadvantage to the ordinary reporters/journalists.

Mohamed Fuad  Daboh also made a public apology especially to the President of SLAJ in the circumstance people are  brought before the NASSIT Court for none compliance of NASSIT payment for their staff.

 He added that his unchangeable stance not to erase the long outstanding NASSIT contribution owed by media owners is in the best interest of the journalists, as NASSIT has the responsibility to protect everybody.

 He also sent a strong worded warning that any employer who becomes recalcitrant of paying NASSIT Contribution for their staff will face the full penalty of the NASSIT Court. 

The Director General however, acknowledged the tremendous stride made by the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists for supporting government initiative especially for the repeal of part 5 of the Public Order Act.

 He also commended the laudable support of the current SLAJ Executive towards the enactment of the 2020 Independent Media Commission Act which is already in force.

 He added that the repeal of the Public Order Act has been a marathon promise made by previous governments since independence to expunge that particular draconian law.

 He noted that it was only under the leadership of President Bio through the support from SLAJ, that the repeal of part 5 of the Public Order Act came to fruition.

  He asserted that NASSIT has been partnering with journalists since he took over office as the Director General of NASSIT Mohamed Fuaad Daboh also paid special tribute to journalists who were working with NASSIT but are dead  now. Specific reference was made to the late Ransford Metzger of AYV, late Jonathan Lieh of the Independent Observer among others.

Fuad Dabboh continued that public education on the activities of NASSIT is at the center of his administration of which, the just organized Press Seminar did not come by mistake. 

He therefore, considered media practitioners to have dual capacity to NASSIT which are; the capacity as NASSIT contributors and the capacity to serve as the mediators between NASSIT and the Public so that the activities of NASSIT will  reach to the public unhindered.

He recalled that under former President Koroma’s administration, media houses were persistently calling on NASSIT to establish an investment.

 As premised in the New Direction Manifesto Promised, the Director General gladly intimated that such manifesto promise has been achieved.

He added that they have conducted forensic audit on their investment and the report has been handed over to the Minister of Labour and Social Security for onwards submission to the president.

Mohamed Fuad Daboh also disclosed that NASSIT has undertaken huge investment in the ICT sector as they have digitalized data collection in order to address delays in the scheme. 

He assured that come next year, issues of delay will be a thing of the past.

 Director General also revealed that the introduction of project 54 a NASSIT has been a unique establishment as it has made tremendous progress particularly within the public sector in terms of data generation. 

“Our meeting here today is not to address you as journalists or members of SLAJ, but the trust of our statement today is to address you as a member of the NASSIT scheme. We are taking you through things that are your obligations and things that you are expected to know about our institution as members of the scheme”, he said.  

In his statement, the National President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists Ahmed Sahid Nasrallah confessed that the NASSIT Press Seminar cannot be overemphasized as journalists are also contributors to the scheme.

 He added that SLAJ has been organizing programmes wherein, reminding media owners about the compliance issues of NASSIT contribution.

 He referenced the IMC Act 2020 which advocates for the welfare of journalists but however, expressed his dismay that the nation has not achieved the welfare issues of journalists as the Sierra Leone Reporters Union is still complaining about the welfare of journalists.

Just after Parliament enacted the IMC Act of 2020, President Nasrallah said his team approached NASSIT with a request to erase NASSIT outstanding debt owed by Media Owners for so many years.

 He added that with the justifiable resistance by the Director General of NASSIT to erase outstanding NASSIT contributions by Media Owners, obliged SLAJ to accept in good faith as Reports, Editors and Media owners are their constituents and SLAJ would not want to disadvantage anyone.

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