Sierra Leone For The 6th Time Consecutively Scores Very High In MCC’s Scorecard And  Control Of Corruption Indicator

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) wishes to inform the general public that Sierra Leone has, again in 2023, scored very high (76 percent) in the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator, making it six (6) consecutive years of sustained and significant progress in the country’s score in the MCC Scorecard since 2018.

Sierra Leone continues to record remarkable scores in the MCC ‘Control of Corruption’ Scorecard, with over 70 percent in six (6) years; 71 percent score in 2018, 79 percent in 2019, 81 percent in 2020, 83 percent in 2021, 79 percent in 2022 and now 76 percent, having previously failed the indicator in 2017 with 49 percent. The current score represents a consecutive 6 years of continuous passes and improvements; which is a clear indication of the Country’s resolve and deliberate efforts to control corruption since 2018. 

Sierra Leone’s score in the ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator in 2023 positions her ahead of many other countries including, Nigeria, which scored 50 percent; Ghana 75 percent; Mali 61 percent; Togo 67 percent; Ivory Coast 59 percent; Guinea 57 percent; Liberia 59 percent; Cameroon 48 percent; Kenya 25 percent; Mozambique 63 percent; Egypt 34 percent; Mauritania 19 percent; Morocco 56 percent, etc. As a result, by this year’s Report, Sierra Leone continues to be among the top ten performers in our income category; one of the best performers in Africa; and number one in the Mano River Union.

In the just-released 2024 MCC Report, Sierra Leone passed 10 of the 20 indicators, including the mandatory ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator. The MCC scorecard consists of 20 indicators under three broad categories: “Economic Freedom,” “Ruling Justly,” and “Investing in People”. The ‘Control of Corruption’ Indicator falls under “Ruling Justly” category. According to the MCC: “Of the 80 country scorecards created by MCC, 25 countries passed [including Sierra Leone], and 55 countries did not.” 

Similarly, in the last five years, Sierra Leone has also consistently performed high in other global, regional, and domestic anti-corruption rankings. Sierra Leone has moved 20 places upwards in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2022 and scored its highest of 34, above the Sub-Saharan average to be positioned at 110, from 130 in 2017. The 2022 Afro Barometer Report, indicated huge reduction in corruption prevalence levels in key institutions with trust level in the ACC increased from a 43% in 2020 to a 52% in 2022. Key also is, a National Perception Survey, conducted by the Public Financial Management Consortium, led by the Center for Accountability and Rule of Law, published in 2020 (the latest), revealed that 92 percent of the respondents showed confidence in the Commission’s work.

The Commission wishes to reassure the general public of its unwavering determination and relentless resolve to effectively control corruption in the country. For further enquiries on this and other ACC matters, please contact Sylvanus M. Blake, the Public Relations Officer on +232-78-832131 or via email

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