By: Audrey John

In his last appearance before Magistrate Isata Sellu Tucker of Court No 3. Pademba Road, Freetown, serving Member of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), Albert John Kandeh has on Friday 29th July 2022, committed to the High Court for trial after sufficient evidence adduced by the Prosecutor team led by Detective Superintendent Sorie Conteh.

In her ruling Magistrate Tucker said the evidence adduced so far is overwhelming, and all the witnesses that testified according the Magistrate corroborated that led her to commit the accused to the High Court.

The accused person appeared ten (10) times and was finally sent to the High Court.

The accused in his committal form told the Court that he will testify in High Court but did not have witness (s) to call. The Prosecutor DSP Sorie Conteh told the Court that he will call additional witness in the High Court. It could be recall that the accused Albert John Kandeh a Military Officer is charged with a count of murder contrary to law.       

According to the charge sheet, the accused on Tuesday 18th January 2022, at Ansumana Street, Kambia II Check Point in Magbema Chiefdom, Kambia District, murdered Marie Bangura.

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