By: Mohamed Jalloh
In 2020 and 2021, Sierra Leone passed the MCC Scorecard for a second year in a row and was selected by MCC’s Board of Directors to develop a compact.
In its 2022 report, the MCC showcases excellent scores for Sierra Leone particularly in the two broader categories of RULING JUSTLY AND INVESTING IN PEOPLE.
Under the ruling justly category the Bio led government scored 83% in controlling corruption and 63% in adhering to the Rule of law.
The score card is even better when it comes to freedom of information with a 90% score.
In the category of investing in people, the Bio led government also performed excellent in the human development category with an admirable 92% score.
The country under the leadership of president of Bio attained very good scores when it comes to the ease of doing business.
The excellent performance by Sierra Leone in 2022 means the country has qualified for a greater socio economic from the MCC.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a bilateral United States foreign aid agency established by the U.S. Congress in 2004.
It is an independent agency separate from the State Department and USAID.
MCC’s threshold programs advance policy reforms and strengthen institutions to address the most binding constraints to economic growth in countries that are not eligible yet for MCC’s larger investments, called Compacts.
MCC and the Government of Sierra Leone would be working together to design a compact that will aim to further reduce poverty and increase economic growth for the people of Sierra Leone.
Below is the table of grading according to scores attained in different sectors.