By Audrey John

33yrs old Michaella Ruth Dunyqueh made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Keikura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two count charges of Conspiracy contrary to law and Embezzlement contrary to section 17 (1) (b) of the Larceny Act 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on a date unknown between March and September 2021 at No.1 Wilberforce Street the western area in Freetown Fraudulently embezzled the sum of four hundred and two million two hundred and fifty-two million Leones (402,252,000) received by her from an account of the BENCO Trading Limited Fresh Shop.

Led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of police Christiana Davies Cole.

Hassan Sweid an accountant of BENCO Trading Limited Fresh Shop said he recognized the complainant and the accused.

He said some of his responsibility was to ensure that he check the stock and location of staffs because they have different outlets.

 He said he is also responsible for the cause of sales and stock of the shops.

 He recalled on March 2021 to September 2021 he said he usually do random check on sales person who take stock from the store and come back with money or invoice but for the accused he noticed that she took four hundred A4 papers for a couple of days which she did not give account for

He furthered that was not the product and there was a receipt that showed that the accused was in possession of  stock transfer and original receipt was produced and tendered in court by police prosecutor ASP Christiana Davies Cole.

The witness said I called the accused and asked him about the stock she took from the store but she did not report about the stock and I told her to come to the office when she came to the office she denied the allegations that the stock was not giving to him by the company and there was an argument and then we called the police.

 The police later took over the matter, he said they investigated more and they found out that there were missing stock in the store and there were no account of those stock he said the total amount of all those stock is four hundred and two million two hundred and fifty two thousand Leones.

 I made statement at the main office but the matter was reported at Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters Pademba Road Freetown.

Cross examination by defense counsel Charles Williams said to the witness that you said there was store keeper the witness said yes Adama Sesay was the store keeper.

CI Williams said according to your producer the store keeper do entry for outgoing stock the witness said the store keeper took entries but not in all cases.

Defense counsel said how long the store keeper has been working with the company the witness said about four years defense counsel said you have ideas about management decisions the witness said yes

CI Williams said whenever you give credit of stock the person will signed the witness said not all the times and all of the i teams you alleged that the accused took came from the store the witness said yes.

Counsel said who is in possession of the store key the witness responded that Adam has the store key because he opened and closed the store lawyer Williams said if there was a spear key the witness said not to his knowledge.

 Defense counsel said after the receiver of stock from the store they should signed the witness said there is a poison were they signed Counsel said the particulars receipt you cannot tell who prepared the receipt for the accused.

 Counsel said the accused denied the allegations before the store keeper Adam the witness said yes and Adam also said that before the accused that he took stock from the store.

Counsel said the investigation you did apart that all the other alleged items there were removal from the store there were no entries for the stock the witness said not all of the stock some of the stock receipt dose not March with the physical excel of the store.

However Magistrate Keikura adjourned the matter to the 7the April 2022.

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