By: Precious Miracle Kargbo

To ensure peace and sanity and contributing to the economic advancement of the Country, the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry mrs Fatmata Wurie through a one-day dialogue that was conducted for traders on 6th November 2023 in Freetown, has called on all traders to do away with politics and speak with one voice to ensure growth in the trading industry and aid in boosting the economy of Sierra Leone.

The Deputy Minister addressed head of women trader’s union who are known as Chair Ladies by clarifying to them of being fully aware of the condition at Market grounds that since the conclusion of elections, traders have not been in good speaking terms among themselves in the marketing environment and that should not be the case. She furthers that business places are not supposed to be political or battle grounds but rather they should serve as the backbone to ensure peace and unity in the country and the swift selling and buying of goods from traders to customers and ensure that their services satisfy the general public.

Mrs. Wurie outlines that the main purpose of the Ministry is to ensure that the purpose of admonishing traders is as part of the peace dialogue which ended successfully between the two major political parties to find a common ground to promote the interest of Sierra Leone among all other personal gains.

She continues that for over two months Chairladies from different market grounds have been visiting the Ministry and making complaints of division among themselves but the Ministry is occupied with its main function to promote the trading sector and that is why I am taking it upon myself to create peace among these traders so that there will be an enhanced business environment that will transform the economic status of the nation.

Furthermore, Mrs Fatima retains that the Ministry through the dialogue for peace among these traders targeted a number of over 150 chairladies so that there will be discussions and deliberations to find a common ground to issues affecting them.

 She adds that every time there are political tensions in the country it often affects traders at a very high magnitude but that is why them as a ministry with other stakeholders have come together to ensure this dialogue is conducted and be successful.

The Deputy Minister asserts that the meeting is to reduce the political tension that is ongoing at different market places because that is the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and as these chairladies will be trained and informed they will now serve as peace agents to disseminate the message down to their subordinates in different markets locations.

She appreciated all women who are traders and Chairladies and informs them of their importance to society because they make up fifty percent of the country’s population and are key agents to peace in the home, community and the country as a whole so if all of them come together and stand up for peace then a lot of homes and the country will continue to be in sanity.

Meanwhile, cross section of Trader renders their appreciation to the ministry and their initiative to ensure that there is peace among women in the country as they swore allegiance to continue working with the Ministry in order to help achieve all of their goals and benchmarks.

Conclusively, Isata Jabbie Kabba Presidential Adviser on Gender rerates that God bestowed a lot of blessings in women and assures there is no barrier that a woman will want to achieve that would not be possible. She renders her disappointment to a lot of women who have become enemies because of politics as that should not be the focus of women but to ensure that they are always on track for progress and development in Sierra Leone.

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