By: Audrey John

36yrs old Joseph Manyeh a driver and 31yrs old Nima Thronka a business woman made their first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on three court charges to wit threatening language contrary to Law.

According to the particulars of offence on Monday 18th April 2022 at Blank tank Kailahun court barray area the western area in Freetown did make use of threatening language against Evelyn Yeama Mannah a Lawyer within to provoke her to commit the breach of the peace; on count two at the same place and date in the public view and in the presence of the said complainant did make use of insulting and provocative words towards her in a manner as would like to provoke her to commit a breach of the peace; on count three at the same place and date did use Abusive and insulting words against the said complainant with intent to provoke her to commit a breach of the peace.

The charges were read and explained to the accused persons and they pleaded guilty on all the counts charge.

Magistrate Kekura said due to the plea mitigation and taken into consideration that they’re first timer before the court he fine each accused person the sum of five hundred Leones on all three counts charge or to serve nineteen day at the male correctional center in Freetown.

Inspector Kadie M Taylor Prosecuted.

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