Sierra Leone joined the global community in celebrating World Environment Day (WED) on June 5th, emphasizing the theme of “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience” under the slogan “Our Land, Our Future.” This annual event, established by the United Nations in 1972, serves as a crucial reminder of the collective responsibility to protect and sustain the planet.

In Kono District, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and partners, along with various stakeholders, celebrated WED at the Sahr Musa Sessie Gbenda Hall on Bona Street in Koidu City. The event underscored the district’s commitment to addressing pressing environmental challenges.

In her keynote address, Hawanatu Kamara, the Regional Manager of the Anti-Corruption Commission in Kono, expressed gratitude to attendees for their participation. She highlighted the significance of collective action in tackling environmental issues both globally and locally. “As Sierra Leone joins the rest of the world to celebrate World Environment Day, it is necessary to work collaboratively to save our beloved nation from pressing environmental challenges,” Kamara stated. She praised the EPA Sierra Leone for its ongoing support in addressing environmental problems and urged everyone to protect the environment for future generations.

Ishmael Jalloh, the Regional Manager of the EPA Kono, called for a united effort to restore lands damaged by human activities. “Environmental issues must not be left alone in the hands of environmentalists,” Jalloh emphasized. He advocated for ending deforestation and promoting afforestation and reforestation practices.

The WED celebration aimed to remind communities of their collaborative obligations to restore degraded lands and enhance resilience to desertification and drought. The event in Koidu City was a poignant manifestation of the district’s resolved commitment to these global environmental goals.

This year’s World Environment Day in Sierra Leone highlighted the urgent need for collective efforts to address environmental challenges, ensuring a sustainable future for the nation.


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