By: Problyn J. Alpha

Adolescent youth friendly services (AYFS) in collaboration with the Kono medical outreach team including Rainbow initiative has joined the world to celebrate the ninth (9th) world Menstrual Hygiene day in Koidu City Kono District.

The celebration which started with a match pass from peace point formerly called Gun point ended at the Kono Musu Complex hall UMC primary School Compound in Koidu City Kono District.

The coordinator of the Kono medical outreach team (KOMOT) CHO Mohamed Swaray maintained that KOMOT is the brain behind the incorporation of other partners for the celebration of the ninth (9th) international menstrual hygiene day in the district which is celebrated on every 28th May every year noting this year’s theme is making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030.

The community health officer further pointed out that this year’s world menstrual hygiene day celebration did not only stop with the match pass but also with the following activities: teaching sessions for adolescent youths, women and school going pupils in Koidu City and its immediate environs about how they should keep themselves clean and healthy during their menstruation period especially the proper use of menstruation materials and how to dispose of them safely after been used.

CHO Swaray described menstruation as a natural or normal biological process experienced by every adolescent girl or woman as it is a key sign of reproductive health in both girls and women where every month blood and other materials discharge from the lining of the uterus.

According to him menstruation occurs from the onset of puberty to menopause except during pregnancy. The coordinator Kono medical outreach team or KOMOT for short admonished girls and women to always place clean cloth pad, cotton or tissue paper inside their underwear and never to insert the aforementioned materials inside their private parts this he said can be harmful and cause infection. He said the menstrual materials are to be changed after every two to six hours or whenever the blood flow is heavy.

CHO Mohamed Swaray thanked their partners for their support during this year’s world menstrual hygiene day celebration especially partners in Health PIH.

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