By: Audrey Raymonda John

Twenty-three years old Ransford Turay Unemployed made his first appearance before Magistrate Peter Brima Gogra of Pademba road court No.6 in Freetown on a count of Larceny contrary to section 2 of the Larceny Act 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on the 10th March 2023 at No.1b Sunders Drive Brookfield’s the western Area in Freetown Stole one iPhone plus mobile phone valued four million Leones (4,000,000) new Leones’s property of Tedd Kargbo.

The charge was read and explained to the accused person and he pleaded not guilty.

When the matter was mentioned the prosecutor Inspector Musu Edna Kpulun told the court that her witness is present but she didn’t have proper conference with him she seeks for a short adjournment date.

Meanwhile Magistrate Gogra refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown.

The matter is adjourned to the 28th March 2023 for further hearing.

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