By: Hafsatu Z Bangura

In a cross examination led by O.V Robbin Mason Snr for the state the Sixth Prosecution Witness (PW6) Septimus J.S Johnson in his testimony before Justice Adrian Fisher of the High Court No.1 in Freetown explained how payments were made to the then Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Dr. Alie Kabba and his successor Hon. Nabeela Farida Tunis.

He recalled the process of payment made for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the New York Chancery Building in New York and its sources of funds as he said the two sources of funds are from the Chinese Government and the Government of Sierra Leone.

He said requests of payments were made by the head of Chancery in New York for payment in relation to the chancery building and that it was channeled to the Director General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and minuted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Dr. Alie Kabba for the initial payment which was done.

He continued that the first payment was made on the 6th July 2019 an amount of Seven Billion, six hundred and sixty five Million, and eight hundred and forty six Leones at the time Dr. Alie Kabba was Minister and the second payment was made on the 1st September 2019 an amount of Nine Billion three hundred and thirty Million Leones at the tenure of Mrs. Nabeela Farida Tunis and said these payments were effected.

Mr. Septimus J.S Johnson a principal Accountant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for over 3years and previously worked as the financial attaché at the Embassy of Berlin for 5years.

 He listed his duties and responsibilities as a principal accountant at the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation being that he represents the accountant general of which he said he is to utilize funds allocated to Ministries.

Prosecution witness was asked to identify all accused person as he recognized the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th accused persons.

He described the positions of each accused persons starting with the 1st accused he said was the Head of Chancery Permanent Mission in New York, the third accused person as the financial attaché of the Permanent Mission in New York and the fourth accused Dr.Samura Kamara was the financial secretary, former Minister Of Finance, former Minister at the Foreign Affairs Ministry and subsequently he said was the bank governor.

The Prosecution Witness was given various Exhibits to identify, which he did. Exhibit K1-18 he identified as a common payment voucher of the Government of Sierra Leone specifically the Accountant General’s Department.

He said in respect of the payment the source of fund was from the government of Sierra Leone and payment was effected on the 16th January 2019and Cheque number 00282305 PAYE: SIERRA Leone’s Permanent Mission, the sum of Four Billion, Two Hundred and Forty Million five thousand Leones of which he said he facilitated the payment process on receipt of the request which was from the head of Chancery New York.

He continued that the Director of Admin did a minute to the financial secretary for approval and when such is done preparation of the Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) formal which he said is signed by the Program Manager, Professional Head, Vote Controller of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The prosecution witness Mr. Septimus Johnson was given Exhibit J1-19 to identify also as he described it as the payment of the rehabilitation of the New York Chancery Building and its sources was from the government of Sierra Leone.

He said payment was done on the 16th January 2019 Cheque Number 00282304 made to the permanent Mission in New York the sum of Four Billion two Hundred and Forty Million and five thousand Leones.

Mr. Septimus Johnsons identified Exhibit N1-29 another payment voucher  dated 19th June 2019 the sum of three billion eight hundred and six Leones payments he said were effected and Exhibit L1-31 payment voucher dated the 19th June 2019 with Cheque number 00284121 the sum of three billion eight hundred and two Million sixty five thousand seven hundred and six Leones.

The witness said he facilitated tow payments being the principal Accountant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

HM Gevao Esq cross examined the witness in regard to his client he said was not the financial attaché on the dates of the transaction at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation but was transferred to the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education in January 2019.

The Prosecution witness replied to this that the indeed the third accused was transferred to the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education on the dates of the transactions but that the office is never vacant. There were no cross examinations done by defense counsels.

Seventh prosecution witness a formal witness Michael Kargbo presently a civil servant at the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education as a principal accountant but had previously worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as principal accountant from 2012 and was posted to Brussels in 2015.

 He listed some of his duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in preparing payment voucher, help in the execution of budget in order that the budget would not be over spent.

He said he maintained, execute, and manage reports on the impressed accountants, and also helps in preparation of salaries of staffs posted oversees.

He was cross examined by State Counsel Matesbo Esq if he is aware of the activities of the financial system in relation to the New York Chancery Building.

 He said he is unaware of the activities of the New York Chancery Building but described the transfer of funds from Sierra Leone to various missions as explained by sixth Prosecution Witness Mr. Septimus Johnson.

The matter has been adjourned to the 13th June 2022 for further hearing.

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