Connection is one of the most important assets that every person must have and it is one thing that helps everyone in all aspects of life be it for a school work, job hunt and relationships.

For one to have a connection or a third party in a relationship it has both positive and negative effects.

There are some people that don’t have the courage to face a man or a woman to express their feelings for that person because he/she lacks the confidence to meet the person and explain how they feel about them.

But the person may find a way of getting someone that is very close to that individual and use that person as a channel to pass out his/her information which is a good and bad thing at the same time.

Women to be specific are like mobile phones each and every one has its own brand and specification. Some prefer men that have the courage to tell them straight up how they feel about them but you going through someone to get to that particular kind of woman is an automatic turn off.

Besides, the power the message carries from the horse’s mouth can never be compared to the one of the messenger.

Many people have the habit of explaining everything about their relationship to a friend.

From the goodies they get to the bad memories, how the partner cheats, his or her weakest point etc.

Just like a drug too much information in the wrong hands is harmful.

We all want good things in our lives and in the process of achieving that we either use someone’s emotions as a springboard or betray a best friend.

Explaining to your friends about your relationship is one thing but using them as a counselor or therapist is a very dangerous game.

You’re just not explaining about your relationship to a third party but also showing them the vulnerability of your partner.

We’ve seen many relationships that we once admire as goals ended up in the drain because of an advice one of them got from a bad friend.

Just know one thing we are all different and unique in our ways. You may be intelligent, smart and caring and these are some of the things your partner loves in a person and you have that one friend who has all of these in him/her and humor as an extra bonus which you might be lacking.

Do you think that putting that type of person in the middle of your relationship is healthy?

The actions of humans are unpredictable you never know who may be your Brutus.

Before explaining to them has you throw thoughts on how your partner will feel if someone other than you knows he/she is cheating or he/she is a nymph?

For some, the relationship will never be the same again you may forgive him/her for their actions but will your friends do the same? Or will they continue to judge his/her every action by the past.

I believe we all need best men and bridegroom that understand every ups and downs of our relationship so their toast on that day will be a mesmerizing one but let’s keep that for another day.

If you want a healthy relationship don’t explain too much of your relationship to all your friends or family members. Having a friend or a particular family member that gives you good advice or doesn’t take sides because you are their person and doesn’t have a loose mouth to be telling everyone your business is not bad to confide in. If you really need someone to talk to I recommend you talk to a professional (therapist or counselor)

Other than this everything else is risky.

The “Wey U yams white Coba ram “theory is the healthiest way to get through a relationship.

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