By: Hafsatu Z Bangura

Friday Sesay on the 17th May 2022 also made his final appearance before Justice Brown Mark of the high court no.1 in Freetown.

 On count one charge of House breaking and Larceny contrary to section 26(1) of the Larceny Act 1916.

And on count two House breaking and Larceny contrary to section 26 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916.

The particulars of offence on count one states that the accused person Foday Sesay on the 11th November 2021 at Freetown in the Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone broke and entered into the dwelling house of Salamatu Fofanah with intent to steal and did steal therein one set of Coleman valued at three hundred thousand Leones (le300,000), three set of pans valued at three hundred and thirty thousand Leones (le330,000) four pair of ladies shoes valued at Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Leones (le250,000) five suit cotton valued at Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Leones (le550,000) and cash sum of Five Hundred Thousand Leones (le500,000) property of Salamatu Fofanah.

And on count two the particulars of offence states that the accused Foday Sesay on the 11th November 2021 at Freetown in the Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone broke and entered into the dwelling house of Issa Kamara with intent to steal and did steal therein forty eight packets of assorted nails valued at Seven Hundred and Twenty thousand Leones (le720,000), two rolls of electrical cables valued at Four Hundred Thousand Leones (Le 400,000) one Bluetooth Musical player with memory card valued at Ninety Five thousand Leones,(le 95,000)  two pair of sneakers valued at one hundred and Twenty thousand Leones, four yard of wire mesh valued at Eighty Thousand Leones, one Del desktop computer valued at Five Hundred Thousand Leones, one wall clock valued at one hundred and fifty thousand Leones , 10 bundles of assorted colour ropes valued at Two Hundred Thousand Leones all to the total value Two Million Two Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Leones (le 2,265,000) property of Issa Kamara.

The accused was sentenced to 1year Imprisonment by Justice Brown Mark.

The accused was represented by C Tucker whilst the J S Tucker represented the state.

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