By: Hafsatu Z Bangura

Spiritual love can refer to love rooted in a spiritual connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in life, these spiritual love can serve different purposes, some are meant to walk us through life, while others are meant to teach us lessons.

What is Spiritual growth in a relationship?

You become one in a relationship by your togetherness, but you do not become one when it comes to your individuality, understanding that you’re both you and your partner are on a spiritual path and for both you and your partner to continue loving each other.

How can we determine a partner’s purpose?

Sometimes their purpose isn’t revealed until later in the relationship, that being said when we take time to connect to our spiritual selves, meditate, spend time in nature, surrender to art, worship our religion or tap into our spirituality in another way the answers become clearer, remember spirituality is connecting to something bigger than ourselves, it involves practicing peace and purpose which might involve asking ourselves questions like how can I find fulfillment and how can I live the best life possible while some people connect to their spiritual selves by religion, or in nature or Art, our spirituality often has a heavy influence on every area of life, therefore, our spirituality or lack of spirituality have an impact on our relationships.

Lack of spirituality can harm relationships because individuals may not understand who they are fully, therefore if they are not aware of their life purpose, then they may select partners who are not in support of their life purpose.

Maintaining the quality and longevity of Relationships

Spiritual love for me refers to a love rooted and supported by a spiritual connection, our spirituality can help us understand why someone has entered our life whether it’s to assist our efforts in creating a meaningful or to teach us an important lesson that supports our growth, if a relationship lacks a spiritual connection whether it’s the one-sided or two-sided relationship the relationship might suffer, therefore it is important to tune into our spiritual selves to maintain the quality and longevity of our relationships.

How to grow spiritually with your partner

Worship together, and pray with each other prayer is like the spiritual glue of marriage, serve as a couple and give together above all life intentionally.

When you have a spiritual connection with a partner, you are allies in personal growth, you want together to become your best selves and commit to helping and loving each other as well as those around you.

7 signs you have a spiritual connection?

You are selfless toward one another- when you are spiritually connected, you will do whatever it takes to make your partner happy and help them fulfill their goals or dreams, it’s not about what you get in return rather it’s about protecting your partner and ensuring their safety and success.

Be your true authentic selves- no matter the situation, whether you are at home on the Couch or out with friends, you and your partner should always be genuine about your selves, you don’t pretend to be someone you are not just to change your partner’s perspective on you, a spiritual connection is honest, therefore full transparency is its basis.

Share the same value- Agreeing to disagree on your personal preferences like where to go and order dinner from or whose family to spend the holiday with isn’t the same as core values.

Spirituality-connected partners align on issues that define who they are, and the future they want to have, you both strive to achieve the same things in life together.

Respect Each Other- Respect is a key component of any romantic relationship and it is especially important in a spiritually connected partnership.

You don’t judge one another, don’t interrupt one, not another during conversations, or put each other down for your flaws rather you show empathy and compassion and seek to understand your partner on a deeper level.

You feel like you have known each other- Almost instinctively, when you first met you most likely only saw each other from across the room, immediately it felt like you had a connection and felt drawn to each other, while it’s not something you can put into words, your intuition told you that this person was someone who belonged in your life.

You can communicate without speaking- You both seem to know what the other person is thinking, without a hint of hesitation, similarly, you can decipher each other’s mood based on feeling alone.

You communicate with your eyes and hearts, not words and might even be able to detect if something is wrong, even if you aren’t in the same room together.

You help each other grow- When the right one enters your life, you are certain for a fact that nothing would be the same again, together you bring out the best in each other, encourage one another to be better people, and find your purpose in life cuz neither of is afraid of being honest with each other and you guide one another in the right direction.

When you are both spiritually connected, you know deep down in your heart that this is the person you are meant to be with, no matter their flaws, you don’t doubt the bond you share and you don’t ever fear that this person will turn against you, not only does this person help you express yourself, but they give you a sense of stability in your life, even sitting next to them can help quell your stress and anxiety.

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