Relationships are like College administration every department knows what they wanted although sometimes we do find square pegs in round holes and this is due to some bad injuries they sustain from the previous relationship.

One may need a brilliant lady with an obese bank account but doesn’t want the suitor of his daughter to be poor.

Nowadays I believed every individual goes for gold in a relationship.  We always hear people say “I love him because he/she is caring, I love her because she is beautiful, I love him because he is tall and dark.

To be honest nobody will be frank enough to say I love her because she is rich or because she is connected to my livelihood.

I can confirm that some go for gold in a relationship; most get into a relationship that benefits them.

Nobody will ever date someone that he/she is not benefiting from be it directly or indirectly.

Just imagine a lady that is dating four (4) different guys and share her responsibilities amongst them.  One will be responsible for cosmetic, the other provision et cetera.

On the other hand there are men who use women to get to the top all in the name of being in love with them.

Love is like a rain. A farmer needs it to help his crop grow fast; some use it as an excuse to skip work and some as a mean of fetching drinking water.

With this we would all understand why we are all relationship goblins as most of us we all love gold in a relationship.

So my advice to all let’s don’t expect too much in a relationship

 If the wizard is orchestrating smooth, then follow the rhythm or quit the group.

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