February 1, 2021

John Abass Koroma (Port Loko

A high powered government delegation to Guinea led by Speaker of the House Hon Abbass Bundu, accompanied by Minister of Information Mohamed Swaray, Minister of Internal Affairs Panda Noah and Coordinator of the National COVID 19 Emergency Response Center stopped over in Port Loko, where our correspondent gleaned facts about the outcome of their mission.

At the Restaurant of Hon. Sahid Kanu the Speaker spoke to the press in Port Loko. The Speaker provided scanty details that stopped short of commenting on the reopening of the border and the issue of Yenga, the border town that has been occupied by the Guinean troops.

By all indications no deal has been struck about the prominent issues straining diplomatic relations between Guinea and Sierra Leone.

Hon Abbass Bundu sounded somewhat upbeat that there is a possibility of reconvening another summit that would yield dividends.

Guinea has closed its borders with other neighboring countries such as Senegal and Gambia.

Meanwhile, the Sierra Leone populace is disturbed about the state of affairs that has impeded commerce and trade transactions between the two countries.

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