By: Thaimu Bai Sesay

Following the tragic deaths of three children resulting from initiation rituals associated with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kambia and Port Loko Districts, the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs issued a press release on February 9th, 2024, expressing profound concern over the incident and ensuring appropriate justice for the families of the deceased.

“The Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs acknowledges with deep concern the reported deaths of 3 children in Kabalor and Bubuya (Tonko Limba Chiefdom) in Kambia District, and Tainkatopa Chiefdom in Port Loko District, as a consequence of initiation rites linked to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM),” the Ministry expressed with dismay.

The Ministry extended heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families, emphasizing its commitment to collaborating effectively with Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure the safety and protection of children from harm, thereby preventing the recurrence of such tragic events.

“We wish to assure the families of the deceased and the public at large that justice will be served appropriately, and the perpetrators will be duly punished,” the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs asserted strongly.

In the press release, the Ministry reiterated the Government’s dedication to safeguarding and promoting children’s rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other related instruments. It emphasized the prohibition of practices harmful to children’s health, social, and economic well-being.

Furthermore, the Ministry reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to protecting children of all ages and genders from various forms of abuse. It disclosed that the Government had initiated the review process of the Child Rights Act of 2007 to enhance provisions related to safeguarding children against harmful practices, including the prohibition of underage initiation rituals such as Female Genital Mutilation, early and child marriage, as well as child cruelty and torture, among others.


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