By: Audrey John

36yrs-old masoner Bobson Sesay was on Wednesday 23 March 2022 sent to prison over the alleged 300 pieces of timber logs theft from one Moses Lakadi.

The accused Bobson Sesay made his first appearance before magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road court No 1 on two counts charges of Conspiracy contrary to law and Larceny by servant contrary to section 17(1(a( of the larceny Act of 1916.                          

  According to the particulars of offence for counts one, it was alleged that the accused on 16 November 2021, at cross village Depot, off Waterloo conspired together with other persons unknown to and stole 300 pieces of Timber logs valued Le 240,000,00, 3 power saw machines value le250,000 and 1 batter engine oil valued le330,000 all to the total sum of two hundred and eighty eight million, five hundred and eighty thousand leones (Le 288,580,000,00) property of Moses Lakadi.

The police further alleged on counts two that, the accused on the same date and place, being a servant to Moses Lakadi did steal 300 pieces of timber logs, 3 power saw machines, on five gallon rubber containing engine oil and other assorted items all to the total sum of Le288, 580, 000, 00 property of Moses Lakadi.

The charges was read and explained to the accused person and no plea taken.

 Magistrate Kekura refused bail and adjourned the matter to the 28th March 2022 for further hearing

Deputy Superintendent of Police Isatu Gbessay Fofanah is prosecuting the matter.

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