By: D A M

Every president or leader running our country since we attained independence has had a woman by him. And as husbands, wives are needed by our sides to make us complete. I take it from the time we achieved democracy so it’s about first ladies with constitutional mandate that are factored here. Spanning those years since 1996 Patricia Kabbah came with her education, UN exposure and experience.

Age was never on her side,then came Sia Nyama Koroma who was also age able at the time of being first lady. 

 Sia Koroma also has admirable education. She is overweight and slow moving. But now we have a young, articulate, bold and push full first lady.

In the over two hundred – year history of America, Hillary Clinton has been described as the most powerful first lady in that country.

That can be alluded to our own current first lady.

She has not been kept in the shadows because of what she is capable of. Having a celebrity background she came to the first family with some clout.

Fatima Jabbie Bio has shown by example that she is a faithful wife.

This she exemplified by sticking with her man, Maada Bio before becoming president. She didn’t wait until the man became president before hooking up with him. She showed this even when the deck was so stack against Maada in the 2018 elections cycle. She has defended her husband to death and continues to champion what the president believes in.

The hands- off- our girls campaign, raising money to put up modern quarters for teachers of Bo School, her husband ‘ s alma mater, helping wives of serving members of our armed forces, helping youths in the creative industry and sports. 

Due to Fatima in the scene there has never been a dull moment in the first family of this country. So the president trusts her so much for everything even when it comes to governance issues.

She has basically energized the presidency right now. Like Hillary Clinton she doesn’t shy away from the spotlight but shows gut to confront issues. During the first term of President Clinton, Hillary made health care her priority and spearheaded it. Fatima, during the first term of Maada Bio ‘ s presidency has made girls empowerment her priority and so has been fighting to make sure their retention and completion rate in school improves. She travelled the length and breadth of this country for that, raising awareness, outlining consequences and warning adult males to give the girls the time.

Hillary went as far as being a senator, secretary of state and taking a shot at the presidency. Although Fatima Bio is in her early days yet in politics and by extension governance she has shown that she can be a force to reckon with. Both ladies had there influence felt in the decisions of their husbands. One difference that Fatima made in President Bio’s life is his dress taste which has improved a lot since. He doesn’t only look presidential now but fashion has been added to good effect.

She doesn’t have the education like Hillary but the country seems comfortable with her level of academia. One local news magazine once described her as the ” First Lady That Rocks” just like Hillary Clinton was the rock star of American politics. And already there are signs that this coming election cycle she is going to take center stage and not leave things to her husband or other party big guns. Fatima Jabbie Bio, hmmm ! , something definitely in the air.

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