A crop farmer identified as Tamba Kamanda AKA (Quee) of Sandor Chiefdom Kono District is reported to have been shot dead by some cattle rearers.

A resident of Kawafeh Section in Sandor Chiefdom Kono District, Allie Dauda confirmed to our Correspondent that the deceased was shot dead by some cattle rearers who went in search of him because he was among some people that refused cattle rearing in their community and as a result they allegedly attacked him in his farm and shot him with a short gun and later died at the Koidu Government hospital whilst responding to treatment.

Mr. Dauda reiterated that the killing of the deceased cannot be unconnected with his refusal together with other people for cattle rearing in their community. According to Alie Dauda Cattle rearing has never been encouraged in their community this is because of the massive destruction caused by the cattle in the neighboring chiefdoms in Kono District.

As a way of maintaining peace in Sandor Chiefdom and Kono District as a whole Alie Dauda has appealed to the concern authorities to promptly intervene in the said situation as it has the propensity of  generating insecurity in the chiefdom and Kono District as a whole.

Whilst police are investigating the said matter perpetrators of the alleged killing of the crop farmer Tamba Kamanda are reported to be on the run.

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