By: Audrey John

Human Resources Management, Public Service Commission together with European Union has on the 19th May,2022 conducted a Validation workshops on Gender Expert at the civil service training College.

The Chairman Kelvin Kellie said the European Union’s funding through the Multi Annual Programme Estimate, as part of the 11th EDF, is working in partnership with the government of Sierra Leone geared towards “Support to the Governance Sector in Sierra Leone.”

The Gender mainstreaming project is being delivered with the EU Technical Assistance Team working with the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) and the Public Service Commission (PSC) to support gender mainstreaming in the Civil/Public Service.

To this end, a Gender Expert was engaged on a consultancy assignment to support HRMO and PC in gender related needs assessment and policy making, building awareness of gender mainstreaming, and promotion of the importance of gender equality throughout the Civil Service. The Consultant, in collaboration with a Project Implementation Team consisting of HRMO, PSC, and the EU Technical Assistance Team staff to carried out a number of consultations and pertinent activities in Freetown as well as in the regions. He said in recognition of your organization’s strategic role in the

Civil/Public Service, you have all been invited, he hope that all participants will validate the key outputs of the Gender.

The assistant director of Gender Affairs Bamie J Sesay,  said the Ministry of Gender Affairs appreciate the support of the European Union’s and said since the establishment the Ministry in line with national development aspiration articulated in output 5.1 and other several policies and strategic action to ensure they promote Gender equality and women’s employment unit 2020. He added that they have several actions like the establishment of the one stop center, the establishment of the 116 hot line the formulation of the Gender empowerment bill 2021. Mr. Sesay said the Ministry of Gender formulated the Gender equality and it policies in 2020 and it represents a significant effort to ensure they’re able to promote Gender equality to sectors and for them as Civil servant to au-fait to provision in the given policy to ensure Gender mainstreaming, he concluded.

The Chairman Public Service Commission Kalilu O Bah said the Public Service Commission view this initiative as a milestone towards the achievement of a well resourced, evenly balanced Civil/Public Service and  wish to state that the objectives of this Validation Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming should not be underestimated.

In Sierra Leone, gender-Representation is low in Public/ Civil Service and there has also been the need for specific HR Policy for positive affirmation towards gender. At the same time, Public/Civil Service, induction training and in-service training for civil servants do not produce gender-related outcome.

The PSC in carrying out its recruitment mandate encourages the participation of women throughout the recruitment process as long as they are qualified. In its bid enact a Public Service Act under the E.U Support to the Governance sector in Sierra Leone, the PSC will review and update Public Service Regulations of 1982, and seek to address gender disparities and reduce Gender Inequalities especially in management positions in the Civil/Public Service.

These are of the issues that have been behind the efforts by the Public Service Commission, the HRMO and the E.U to support Gender mainstreaming in the Civil/Public Service. That is why this validation workshop is of immense importance in other to build awareness on gender mainstreaming and promotion of gender equality through the Civil Service.

This activity will support beneficiary institutions (HRMO and PSC) to make policy decisions with regard to gender-mainstreaming in Public/Civil Service. Proposed policies will be adapted and incorporated in the institutional/legislative framework of the beneficiary institutions for future compliance.

Statement by European Union team Leader Serena Bertaina said she is delighted in the prompting of Gender equality  and encouraged by the high number of participants joining the training and happy to see representatives from Ministries and development agencies this shows commitment of national authorities towards ensuring the public/Civil Service space becomes more inclusive and attractive for all.

Madam Bertaina added that the personal leadership and the good work by the Services of the HRMO/PSC marks one important milestone towards the achievement of a critical promise of the current government made to the people of Sierra Leone and which has been promoted heavily in the Mid-term national development plans. She said Civil service reform is the corner stone of the new direction agenda central to drive the human capacity development and economic growth in Sierra Leone. She further  said that it has a proven fact that Public administration’s has  ensured Gender and mainstreams Gender in its daily work, perform better to the needs of their countries and citizens, and that there are clear challenges hindering Sierra Leones ambitions, no specific plan for Gender Mainstreaming, no specific HR Policy for positive affirmation towards gender equality, gender Public/Civil Service space is overall very low in lower ranks positions, a solid M&E framework to track gender mainstreaming across MDAS and a draft policy which received approval by the DG-HRMO, a “solid gender mainstreaming” chapter to guide the ongoing review the Civil service code regulations and rules.

The Director General Human Resource Management Ansu S Tucker said he feel gratified to delMestrie his note address on the occasion of the workshop of gender mätristreamine, the Civil Service.

In Sierra Leone, gender-representation is low in public/ civil service. As government’s overall strategic plan, higher representation of women is encouraged as long as they are qualified. However, there is no specific HR policy for positive affirmation towards gender. Further, induction training and in-service training for civil servants do not have any gender-component to this effect, developing and incorporating learning modules in civil service training programmes will not only raise awareness and disseminate knowledge about gender but will also create a favorable environment for cultural change

MAPE Activities #3.1.4 & 3.2.6 regarding Gender-Mainstreaming in the civil service, are among the core objectives of this project. This activity will suggest beneficiary institutions (HRMO, PSC and CST) to make decisions with regard to gender-mainstreaming in public/civil service. Proposed policies will be adapted and incorporated in the institutional/ legislative frame work of the beneficiary institutions for future compliance. Raising CST capacities to deliver training on gender mainstreaming will be an important milestone in times direction. This activity will support beneficiary institutions (HRM/O/ CSTC and PC) in gender needs assessment, gender related training, and M&E of gender mainstreaming activities in civil service.

Gender mainstreaming holds a lot of promise for the Civil Service in the following ways as the gender mainstreaming will lead to these most important Outcomes:

Gender policies for gender mainstreaming in the public/civil service will be drafted for adaptation and implementation.

Gender policies will be included in the civil service code and public service act for implementation.

Gender-component/ curriculum will be included in the public/evil service training Percentage participation of women in the civil increase and sustainable M&E mechanisms will be in place.

The ST Gender expert has engaged MDAs in the last couple of months in Freetown and the regional headquarter town to elicit information on implementation on specific gender related HRM including drafting of policies/guidelines on issues like sexual harassment, gender based violence, job mobbing and affirmative actions he conclude.

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