In her 60th Audio Message to the Nation, the former Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs who also served as Special Executive Assistant (SEA) under President Koroma’s Administration Dr. Sylvia Blyden, has lashed at her former boss as someone who clandestinely misleads and incites his supporters to undermine National Security.
“How would such a man call himself a patriot? Is Ernest Koroma a patriot? No he is not. He is a dangerous man, he is a liar, he is a deceptive person. Ernest Koroma is the Head of APC Jihadist group. He uses dangerous means to mislead and incite his followers against National Security”, she disclosed.
The former APC Minister acknowledged that President Koroma knows all of the steps involve in the formation of rules and regulations for the conduct of APC internal party elections.
She also revealed that even if the High Court should have given judgement on the 2nd of April in respect of the APC constitution, she said it is NOT possible for the APC to start any of their internal party elections as fallaciously stated by former President Koroma .
As according to her unless the rules and regulations as in the APC constitution are created and approved by the Political Party Registration Commission (PPRC).
Dr. Blyden added that despite the fact that former President Koroma Knows all of the legal implications for the rules and regulations, he decided to converge young people with the aim of inciting and misleading them that by June all the APC conventions will be over.
Dr. Sylvia Blyden elucidated that Chapter five, Article 54 Paragraph (E) of the APC constitution says that internal election rules and regulations for the APC Party shall be reviewed and revised in order to have new rules and regulations for every election circle.
According to the APC constitution, it is mandated that at any time for APC election circle, the APC constitution shall be reviewed and approved by the National Advisory Committee (NAC).

The APC former Minister also referenced section subsection (1), paragraph (B) of the Political Parties Registration (PPRC) Act of 2002.
She disclosed that the PPRC Act of 2002 indicates that at anytime a political party wants to conduct internal elections and decides to make fresh rules and regulations, those rules and regulations shall be taken to the Political Parties Registration Commission.
She added that the PPRC shall now in fourteen days, publish such rules and regulations in the Government Gazette.
Dr. Blyden continued that after the rules and regulations have been published in the Government Gazette, such rules and regulations shall also take up to thirty (30) days and within that thirty (30) days period, the PPRC shall ask members from the public to raise objections against such rules and regulations of that political party.
She furthered that if any member of the public decides to raise an objection against any of the regulations for the conduct of internal elections of the party, the PPRC shall also look into that objection raised within thirty days and thereafter, the PPRC shall now give a ruling and publish a final draft and send copy to the political party in question.
She also noted that after PPRC might have certified the rules and regulations, it shall take another fourteen days for it to be printed at the government printing press.
Dr. Blyden also condemns a press release published by someone whom she described as the de facto APC Secretary General Osman Yansaneh on the 25th of March 2022 regarding the APC case in the High Court.
She added that Osman Yansanneh made a very big blunder against the High Court Judge Hon. Justice Adrian Fisher in that press statement.
Dr. Blyden also furthered that the press release serves as an incitement to supporters against Justice Fisher by claiming that the APC constitution came to effect on the 25th of March 2020.
She added that if one has to call the attention of the court to any development, there is a format to use to file for the attention of the court. Dr. Blyden continued that the filing should also be done through the court’s registry with a copy for the Master of which APC’s Osman Yansaneh failed to do regarding the maturity of the APC constitution.
She said the APC Secretary General only informed the court four days after the press statement was issued by Secretary General.