By:  Juliana Vandy

StratCom Adviser MoICE

After a two-week-long intensive study in migration management at the Kofi Annan Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra Ghana, I have come to realize the importance of community relations, and civic and public education in migration management.

From my professional lens, during the course, it was clear that a good number of the challenges migrants face during their journey are centered on a lack of adequate information.

The inadequate information on the processes of migration is not only limited to the migrants but also the officials involved in the process of migration as well as people living in communities around border crossing points and pathways.

Apart from other legal frameworks, bilateral and international cooperation on migration

Information and Civic Education are key and should be part of migration management nationally and within the sub-region.

Language should not be a barrier. Civic education and communication can be done in many ways when professionals are involved.

Countries that have signed up to international treaties and have ratified them are implementing policies and laws that citizens know little about.

When policies on migration are being implemented, proper outreach and public education must be part of the process to ensure it succeeds.

The capacity of “frontline border officials” must be enhanced for them to be able to execute their duties using a human rights lens.

Information is power; people on the move should be furnished with enough information before embarking on a journey. When people get adequate information, they will be able to make informed decisions regarding the route they want to choose for migration.

People on the move can be protected if officials they come in contact with, know more what they are doing

When laws are reviewed let them know and even at border crossing points, there should be constant public education on migration processes.

Community leaders and social influencers should be engaged. Information on migration processes should not be a secret.

Proper outreach and civic education can help do the magic.

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