By: Haja Hawa Koroma

The Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone has issued out a press statement on the 28th June 2022, containing the Declaration of results for the Parliamentary and Local Council Bye-Elections that was held on Saturday 25th June 2022, in Constituency 056, Tonkolili District and Local Council bye-elections in Ward 031 in Kenema, Ward 138 in Falaba, Wards 212 and 216 in Karene, and Ward 252 in Port Loko District. According to the press statement, the Parliamentary bye-elections were successfully in accordance with the relevant electoral legal framework of the 1991 constitution of Sierra Leone and the provisions of the said constitution.

Pursuant to Section 77 (1)(f) and (j) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone, Act No. 6 of 1991, the Clerk of the House of Parliament notified the Electoral Commission of a vacant seat in Tonkolili District, Constituency 056, following the inauguration ceremony of former Member of Parliament Hon. Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Kulio Jalloh as Paramount Chief of Sambaia Chiefdom.

In addition to this, letters were received from the Chief Administrators from Falaba, Karene and Port Loko District Councils, stating that vacancies had occurred as a result of the death of Councilors in the aforementioned District Councils. And according to the letters from the Chief Administrators of the Kenema District Council dated 15th November 2021, the vacancy occurred as a result of the appointment of Councillor Ismael Koroma as Chiefdom Speaker in Small Bo Chiefdom, Kenema District and for Ward 216 in Karene District. Another vacancy occurred as a result of a leave of absence by Councillor Benjamin Roy Kargbo pursuant to Section 9 (d) of The Local Government Act 2004.

Furthermore, only two Political Parties had contested the Parliamentary Bye-Election in Constituency 056, Tonkolili District, the parties are the APC and the SLPP. Four Political Parties contested the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 031, Kenema District and the parties are the PMDC, APC, NDA SLPP. Adding to this, two Political Parties contested the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 138, Falaba District and they are APC and the SLPP. Two Political Parties contested the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 216, Karene District, namely APC SLPP. Two Political Parties contested the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 212, Karene District, and the parties are APC and the SLPP.  And Three Political Parties contested the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 252, Port Loko District, the NDA, the SLPP and the APC.

The ECSL is pleased with The Sierra Leone Police as they provided security in all the polling centres for the Parliamentary and Local Council Bye Elections.

The PPRC, the ONS, NEW, ECPMG, Ahmad Tejan Kabbah Foundation, the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion, CSN, SLAJ and International Partners observed the Parliamentary and Local Council Bye-Elections on polling day and the tallying processes at the respective ECSL tally centres in Tonkolili, Kenema and Port Loko Districts.

Various Media Houses like the SLBC Radio and Awoko Newspaper amongst other stakeholders also observed the polling and tallying processes at district level.

The Analysis of the Results is as follows: For Constituency 056, Tonkolili District, Seventy polling station results were entered into the result database, representing 100% of all polling stations in the Constituency.

The voter turnout was 10,417 out of a voter register of 20,581 giving a percentage turnout of 50.6%. The total number of valid votes cast was 9,675. There were 742 invalid votes, representing 7.1% of total votes cast.

The Results of the Parliamentary Bye-Elections in Constituency 056 Tonkolili Districts are:

The Constituency Total Polling Stations Report consists of the Names of Candidates, Political Party Symbol, Total Valid Votes obtained and the percentage of voters.

For constituency 056, the total polling stations reported was 70 polling stations. Sesay Jawah for APC has a total valid vote of 5,487 and a percentage of 56.7%.

Tholley Foyoh for SLPP under the same constituency has a total valid vote of 4,188 and a percentage of 43.3%.

These are the analysis of the Results for Ward 031, Kenema District. Thirty-eight polling station results were entered into the result database, representing 100% of all polling stations in the Constituency. The voter turnout was 4,238 out of a voter register of 10,960 giving a percentage turnout of 38.7 %. The total number of valid votes cast was 4,000. And there were 238 invalid votes, representing 5.6% of total votes cast.

These are the Results of the Local Council Bye-Election for constituency 001 in Ward 031 Kenema District. The total polling stations reported were 38. Katta kadiatu for PMDC obtained a total valid vote of 102 and a percentage of 2.5%. Musa Mohmoh for APChas a total valid vote of 814 and a percentage of 20.4%. Samai Kelvin for NDA obtained a total valid vote of 91 and a percentage of 2.3%. Sheriff Jeneba for SLPP has a total valid vote of 2,993 and a percentage of 74.8.

Below is the analysis of the Results for Ward 138, Falaba District. Five polling station results were entered into the result database, representing 100% of all polling stations in the Ward. The voter turnout was 694 out of a voter register of 1,634 giving a percentage turnout of 42.5 %. The total number of valid votes cast was 645. And there were 49 invalid votes, representing 7.06% of total votes cast.

These are the results of the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 138, Falaba District. For Constituency 042, Ward 138, the total polling stations reported is 05. Kamara Mohamed for APC obtained a total valid vote of 525 and a percentage of 81.4%. Turay Karifa for SLPP has a total valid vote of 120 and a percentage of 18.6%.

These are the analysis of the Results for Ward 212, Karene District. Sixteen polling station results were entered into the result database, representing 100% of all polling stations in the ward. The voter turnout was 1,283 out of a voter register of 4,211 giving a percentage turnout of 30.5 %. The total number of valid votes cast was 1,155. And there were 128 invalid votes, representing 10% of total votes cast.

Below are the Results of the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 212, Karene District. For constituency 063, Ward 212 the total polling stations reported is 16. Kamara Amadu Kandeh for APC obtained a total valid vote of 408 and a percentage of 35.3%. Turay Mohamed Amara for SLPP has a total valid vote of 747 and a percentage of 64.7%.

These are the analysis of the Results for Ward 216, Karene District. Fifteen polling station results were entered into the result database, representing 100% of all polling stations in the ward. The voter turnout was 2,029 out of a voter register of 3,984 giving a percentage turnout of 50.9 %. The total number of valid votes cast was 1,880. And there were 149 invalid votes, representing 7.3% of total votes cast.

These are the Results of the Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 216, Karene District. For constituency 064, Ward 216, 15 polling stations were reported. Bangura Idrissa for APC obtained a total valid vote of 1,227 and a percentage of 65.3%. Bangura Sorie for SLPP has a total valid vote of 653 and a percentage of 34.7%.

These are the analysis of the Results for Ward 252, Port Loko District. Twenty-Seven polling station results were entered into the result database, representing 100% of all polling stations in the ward. The voter turnout was 2,454 out of a voter register of 7,306 giving a percentage turnout of 33.6 %. The total number of valid votes cast was 2,263. And there were 191 invalid votes, representing 7.78% of total votes cast.

These are the Results of Local Council Bye-Election in Ward 252, Port Loko District. For Constituency 069, Ward 252, 27 polling stations were reported. Bangura Abass Mohamed for NDA obtained a total valid vote of 43 and a percentage of 1.9%. Kainesie Thomas of SLPP has a total valid vote of 559 and a percentage of 24.7%. Kamara James Gassimu for APC has a total valid vote of 1,661 and a percentage of 73.4%.  

In exercise, of the powers conferred on the National Returning Officer, by Section 94 Subsection (4) of the Public Elections Act, 2012 (Act No. 4 of 2012), he declared Sesay Jawah APC, polled 5,487, which is the highest number of valid votes cast, as the duly elected Member of Parliament for Constituency 056 in the Tonkolili District.

And Sheriff Jeneba of SLPP, who polled 2,993, which is the highest number of valid votes cast, has duly been elected Councillor for Ward 031 in the Kenema District.

Furthermore, Kamara Mohamed of APC, who polled 525, being the highest number of valid votes cast, has duly been elected Councillor for Ward 138 in the Falaba District.

In addition, Turay Mohamed Amara of SLPP, who polled 747, which is the highest number of valid votes cast, has duly been elected Councillor for Ward 212 in the Karene District.

Adding to this, Bangura Idrissa of APC, who polled 1,227, being the highest number of valid votes cast, has duly been elected Councillor for Ward 216 in the Karene District.

Finally Kamara James Gassimu of APC, who polled 1,661, which is the highest number of valid votes cast, has been duly elected Councillor for Ward 252 in the Port Loko District.

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