By Audrey John

Ibrahim Bangura a driver made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Keikura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two count charges to wit Inflicting grievous bodily harm contrary to section 20 of the offences against the persons Act 1861 and Obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty contrary to section 39 of the police Act 1964.

According to the particulars of offence on Wednesday 10th May 2022 at Brook Street Junction off Siaka Steven Street the western area in Freetown maliciously inflicted wound on police constable 18080 Habib Abubakar Mansaray to cause him grievous bodily harm on count two at the same place and date obstructed police constable 18080 Habib Abubakar Mansaray whilst in his due execution of his lawful duty.

Led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of police Christiana Davies Cole ESQ Prosecution witness number one constable 18080 Habib Abubakar Mansaray attached to the traffic Division central police station she said she knows the accused person in respect of this matter.

 He recalled on the 10th May 2022 something transpired between himself and the accused person.

 On the said date he and his colleague Police Constable 18661 Bangura I.M were patrolling along Siaka Steven Street when they stopped the commercial bike rider.

 The said rider stopped the motorbike and asked him to disembark on the motorbike because he is not supposed to ride it in the central business district area.

 The bike rider alighted from the motorbike the witness said all of a sudden a group of people came to the scene and said they should release   the motorbike.

 The people told them that they’re in the Habit of arresting motorbike in the central business district.

 The crowd fought them and removed the motorbike from him and gave the motorbike to the rider the rider went away with his motorbike.

 They decided to take their own motorbike and the crowd also insisted that they will not go with their own motorbike.

Whilst they were on the tussle, somebody tried to hit him from the rear and dodged. Unfortunately, the person hit the accused person.

 The witness said the accused started slapping and kicking him.

 The accused threw him to ground and started to drag him.

 But he still held on to him, the accused was dragging him towards krootown road Axis.

 He felt pain and humiliated he was in his police uniform executing lawful duty.

He said his colleague came to the scene and told him to allow the accused person to take him to CDIID.

 The accused held him whilst he climbed on top of the motorbike the witness said when he arrived at the central police station the accused person held his police uniform until the local unit commander came to the scene and ordered his arrest.

 The accused tore his uniform he entered his report and was issued with police medical request form in duplicate for examination and treatment he was examined and treated at Connaught Hospital.

 He was issued with an endorsed medical report form.

 He later returned with the endorsed the medical report form to the police the endorsed medical report form has been in the custody of the police.

 It was produced and tendered in court and marked as exhibit Z and he handed over his torn uniform and button to the exhibit clerk and the video clip to the police station.

Cross examination by defense counsel Charles Abass Bangura I’m putting it to you that you did not see the accused hit you the witness said the video clip will tell.

 Prior to the video clip you didn’t see the accused touched you.

 The witness said the accused person drag him on the ground; I am putting it to you that without the video clip you didn’t see the accused person the witness said he saw him.

 I’m putting it to you that because the crowd gave you serious beating when you turned round then you arrested the accused.

 The witness said No the accused person hit him.

In your testimony, you said the accused person was bleeding right the witness said yes, you said somebody tried to hit but you dodged and that person hits the accused person.

 The witness said yes, blood was oozing out from the accused right the witness said yes.

 Before the accused person was arrested he was beating by police officers including yourself the witness said no.

Counsel representing the accused person renewed his previous Bail applications on behalf of the accused person.

However, Magistrate Kekura refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown.

The matter was adjourned to the 8th June 2022 for further hearing

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