October 21, 2021
The Regional Police Commander South AIG Aiah Edward Samadia is focus on community policing strategies as a means of combating crimes in society. Since he took over policing administration in the Southern Region, he had admonished all Local Unit Commanders (LUCs) to focus on community oriented policing strategies as a means of policing their respective Divisions.
However, the LUC Bo West, Assistant Commissioner of Police(ACP) Joseph W. Saffa has adopted community oriented policing as a tool to interface with community people in order to discuss issues affecting their safety and security and wrought measures to salvage the situation.
In pursuant of this effective policing strategies implemented by the LUC Saffa in Bo City and its environs, it had attracted attention of some humanitarian organizations to assist the police with some basic necessities.
On Wednesday, 20th October 2021, the Direct Aid International, a humanitarian organization handed over a solar powered bore well to the LUC Bo West on behalf of the Regional Police Commander South to be used by the police personnel at the central Police station.
LUC ACP Joseph W. Saffa expressed profound gratitude to Direct Aid International for their gesture.
He further opined that water is life and they will use the facility for its intended purpose.
He pleaded for the extension of similar gesture to the two police barracks in Bo in order to salvage the water crisis.
Similar statement was reiterated by the Deputy Regional Police Commander South, CSP Mabel Fullah encouraged Direct Aid to extend the same gesture to other police divisions.
Speaking on behalf of the Direct Aid International, Mr. Abubakarr Jabbie stated that he recognized the good work of the police in the community and it is but prudent to assist the police with some of the basic necessities in a bid to enhance effective service delivery.
Cutting of the tape by ACP Joseph W. Saffa climaxed the occasion.