By: Saidu Jalloh

The Deputy Minister of Public Administration and Political Affairs, Philip Tetema Tondoneh, highlighted the eight pillars of revamping the public sector in a government weekly press conference organized by the Ministry of Information and Civic Education at the Ministry of Energy Conference Room.

In the development master plan, the Deputy Minister of Public Administration, Tondoneh, highlighted that they had eight strategic plans, which are Structural Alignment and Rationalization of Mandate in the Public Service, Human Resource Management, Public Sector Coordination and Management, Monetary and Evaluation, e-government, Pay and incentives, Gender and Social Inclusion, and Communication and Citizens’ Engagement.

Tondoneh also explained that the Public Service Commission, which is constitutionally mandated to do recruitment and promotion, has dedicated some functions to Human Resource Management [HRO], which recruits from grades 1-7.

He continued that the Public Service Reform Unit also had some functional reviews of respective MDAs, and some MDAs are not performing due to structural alignment.

He mentioned that the president, in his wisdom, thought of revamping the public sector and that it is also considered in the corridor of governance. He responded that the reform would bring massive change in the public sector, and they are working very hard to make sure that this effort comes to light.

Minister Tondoneh underscored that poor public service is causing unconstitutional change in Africa and that the president is determined to ensure that the process is followed.

He further stated that they are just coordinating and looking at medium-term development as a ministry, and with the political will they have, they would support every sector under their mandate.

Suliaman Phoray-Musa, Director of the Public Service Reform Unit, explained that they had done so much reform that it had produced a lot of good things. He narrated that they are trying to harmonize the public sector and put them as one because they had found out that there is duplication of mandate in some institutions.

Phoray Musa highlighted that the wages and compensation commission is also another reform that would harmonize salaries across all grades, and all grades would receive equal salaries as their colleague from other MDAs.

He lamented that the formation of the Ministry of Public Administration was out of the idea of President Bio to stabilize the public sector and for the ministry to coordinate all the reforms that the government wants to embark on.


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