By: Audrey John

45yrs old Abu Bakar Conteh a contractor, 25yrs old Mohamed Koroma a bike rider and 40yrs old Hawa Jalloh Conteh a trader made their first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on three counts changes to with wounding with intent  and two others.

According to the particulars of offense on Sunday 10th April 2022 at Orogu new site, kolla tree calaba town the western area in Freetown wounded Alfred Sam with intent to disfigure him and maliciously wounded and assaulted the said Alfred Sam in a manner thereby occasioning him actual bodily harm.

The charges were read and explained to all accused persons and they pleaded not guilty, the witness was led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of police Christiana Davies Cole Esq.

First Prosecution witness (PW1) Alfred Sam a business man said he recognized all accused persons as his neighbors and recalled on the 10th April 2022 as he was inside his room when he had his wife Emma Kamara saying that who is pointing light on me around 7:30pm.

PW1 said he came out and asked who is pointing light at my wife and the first accused replied in an obscene manner against the mother of the witness.

At this point, Magistrate Kekura sent the second and third accused persons to the male correctional center while the third accused person was granted bail in the sum of one hundred million Leones or one surety in like sum the surety must be resident in Freetown the surety must produce his or her address in Freetown bail to be approved by the deputy assistant register.

Matter adjourned to the 6th July 2022 for further hearing.

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