By: Problyn J Alpha

The Chines Embassy in Freetown through the ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Bo District office has aided the Bo city Council with the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand Leones to construct the chines farm community   bridge in Bo city.

The three hundred and fifty thousand new Leones support from the Chinese Embassy to construct the said bridge on Kowama Road, came as a result of an official letter written to the Embassy by the Bo city Council together with some paramount chiefs and some Chinese nationals at the Chinese farm. The council is requesting assistance from the Embassy to construct the bridge.

Naibu Sahr Kassor is the centre block supervisor and the head of the Chinese team at the ministry of Agriculture and Food security Bo District.

When talking to A-Z, he explained that since the bridge collapsed, there has been no access for vehicles and bikes to use it, adding that the support from the Embassy to construct the bridge will ease the challenge that residents of the surrounding communities have been faced with for years.

He further disclosed that the money for the construction was not given to any Sierra Leonean and that the bridge will be constructed by the Chinese themselves.

On his part ,the mayor of the Bo city Council his worship Kobba Musa expressed his profound gratitude to the benefactors for their intervention to construct the Chinese farm bridge, noting the kowama Road then was a  very popular road that has been condemned for years but it’s about to be reconstructed through the help of the Chinese Embassy.

Explaining the importance of the road and the opportunities the surrounding communities will be exposed to when the bridge should have been constructed, mayor Musa maintained that the said road will link the surrounding communities with the city and also help in the free flow of goods and services.

The bridge if constructed will permanently cushion the transportation challenge posed on Sierra Leoneans residing in the surrounding communities. When asked to know the duration for the construction work of the said bridge? The political head of the Bo city Council noted that the duration in the MOU signed is three months, noting the operations of the contractors will be disturbed a bit because of the rains .He confirmed that the construction process has started and will complete in three months’ time.

“As the work has commenced l implore all and sundry to desist from dumping waste in drainages and wet lands ,l encourage all to register with the waste management department at the Bo city Council in order to keep the city clean and flood free” Mayor Kobba musa appealed.

Aminata Soyabongay is the Chinese farm community chief on behalf of all residents of the Chinese farm thanked and appreciated the Chinese Embassy for its intervention of permanently cushioning the challenge they are faced with and also encouraged her people to deviate from dumping waste in drainages.

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