By: Audrey John

Ibrahim Sow a bike rider made another appearance before Magistrate Peter Gogra of Pademba road court No.6 in Freetown on two count charges to wit Conspiracy to commit a crime contrary to law and Obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on Saturday 4th June 2022 at beach road Lumley the western area in Freetown conspired together and with other persons unknown to commit a crime to wit Obtaining money by false presence.

 On count two at the same place and date obtained the sum of sixty million Leones (60,000,000) from Ibrahim Kargbo by falsely pretending that he had one black Toyota 4 wheel drive spot edition for sale knowing same to be false.

Prosecution witness number two Steven Kabbia a business man said he knows the complainant in respect of this matter and he recognized the accused person.

 He recalled the 4th of June 2022 on that day the complainant called and informed him that the accused person advertised vehicle to him, since he knew how to examine vehicle the witness said on the 2nd June 2022 around 10am himself and the complainant reached at the police post along Lumley.

The complainant called the accused person on his phone and the accused person called the complainant and introduced the accused person to him and they on-boarded Kekeh and arrived at Bayless drive.

 The accused person entered the gate and asked them to enter and he pointed at the black vehicle and the accused person handed over the keys to the complainant and he started the vehicle and tested it and handed the key to him to test it which he did.

 The witness said he examined the entire vehicle and it was in perfect condition.

 Himself, the complainant and the accused person were on the tussle of the reduction of the price of vehicle which the accused person told them that it cost eighty Million Leones.

 The witness said himself and the complainant left the compound and told the accused person that on the 4th of June 2022 the complainant came with the amount they ended up which was  Sixty million Leones.

 On the said date he met the complainant and they went to the accused person in front of the complainant and counted the money.

 The witness said the accused person told them that the person that has the vehicle waited for them but they didn’t arrive early and the accused person took them to one shop along beach road were the accused person introduced one man to them.

 They counted the money and it was handed over to the accused person in his presence and they requested for the documents of the vehicle.

 The accused told them to hold on till they collect the papers to which the vehicle was shipped.

 The witness said himself the complainant and the accused person took different bikes on their way.

 Himself and the complainant arrived at the place whilst the accused person didn’t show up, and the complainant called on the accused person the accused person told the complainant that he went on to collect the spare tire of the vehicle.

 They waited for a while they didn’t saw the accused person and they went to Lumley police station where he made report and statement was obtained from him.

A .B Moisa is representing the accused person.

He renewed his previous Bail applications on behalf of the accused person.

However, Magistrate Gogra refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown.

The matter was adjourned to the 5th August 2022

Assistant Superintendent of police Abdul Sannoh is prosecuting the Matter.

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