By: Thaimu Bai Sesay

In a public hearing on Monday, June 10, 2024, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) praised the National Revenue Authority (NRA) for recovering a portion of the cash advance paid for a cancelled contract. This commendation was made amidst discussions of the Auditor General’s 2022 Audit Report, which highlighted several unresolved financial issues, including the advance payment in question.

During the hearing, Deputy Auditor General read from the 2022 Audit Report, revealing that the NRA had disbursed 30 percent of the contract value to a supplier for a contract that was later cancelled. The amount paid, totaling 240,000 new Leones, was intended for the supply of Land Cruiser vehicles. The report noted that steps to address the cancellation were not provided, and the recommendation to recover the funds had not been fully implemented.

A representative from the NRA provided clarity, confirming the contract details and the steps taken to recover the funds. He presented documentation to the PAC, which prompted the committee to request the Audit Service to verify if the recovered amount was credited to the NRA’s account.

PAC Chairman acknowledged the NRA’s efforts in recovering a significant portion of the money, describing it as a commendable action. He noted, however, that the NRA still had several other issues to address. The Chairman committed to collaborating with the Audit Service to ensure the remaining balance was recovered and requested a timeline for the completion of this task.

“For me, I consider this issue partially resolved on the confirmation of the Audit Service, and I would like to know the specified time and method to recover the balance,” the Chairman declared. The NRA representative assured the committee that the remaining funds would be recovered from the supplier by Friday, a pledge that was well-received by the committee.

In a related hearing held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the PAC, chaired by Deputy Minister of Parliament Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, praised Rokel Commercial Bank for maintaining exemplary financial records. The PAC reviewed the 2023 Auditor General’s Report, which raised several queries about the bank’s operations, including duplication of ID records, staff appraisals, and transaction charges.

The Deputy Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank, Samuel Borbor, efficiently addressed all the queries raised, in accordance with the bank’s standard operating procedures. His responses impressed the PAC Chairman, who commended Borbor for his thorough understanding and management of the bank’s operations. The Chairman also praised the Managing Director for fostering an environment that enabled such proficient responses.

“We resolve this issue but don’t take your eyes off the board because if you received kudos, it is for a good reason which is your good performance,” the Chairman stated, encouraging the bank’s management to continue their hard work.

After the hearing, Borbor expressed his pride and satisfaction with the PAC’s commendation, emphasizing that such recognition should inspire other Sierra Leoneans to strive for excellence in their respective fields. He also lauded the Audit Service for their role in promoting development through their diligent work.

Borbor acknowledged that while queries are inevitable, they should be minor and manageable. He urged current and potential customers to continue their trust in Rokel Commercial Bank, assured by the bank’s commitment to transparency and efficient management.

This series of public hearings underscores the PAC’s commitment to ensuring accountability and transparency in the management of public and corporate finances in Sierra Leone.




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