Director General of Sierra Leone Local Content Agency, Fodeba Dabo is being commended by members of the general public, entrepreneurs and other players for sensitizing them on the importance of Local Content Agency and how it relates to increasing a country’s GDP.
While it is true that the Sierra Leone Local Content Agency is tasked with sensitizing the general public on the importance and benefits of observing the Local Content Policy, it is was found during an investigation by this press that Mr. Dabo since his appointment has brought more meaning, respect, recognition and compliance by employers towards the mandate of the Local Content Agency and its operations, more than any other Director General ever appointed.
In fact, the proprietress of IZELIA Garments and Textiles has only praises for Mr. Dabo for steering the importance and benefits of Local Content Policy which is now making a win-win situation for both the employers and for the government.
FG Gold was cited as one of the companies religiously observing Local Content Policy as their uniforms and PPEs are produced locally by IZELIA Garments and Textiles factory based @ 11 Bolling Street, Kingtom, Freetown. IZELIA employes women and youth and is 100 % owned by a Sierra Leonean female entrepreneur.
Meanwhile employers and employees alike are calling on Mr. Dabo to take the same sensitization to their own work places for total compliance to the Local Content Act to be seen observed in practice; not only by lip-service.
However, it is to the credit of Mr. Dabo that FG Gold is so far cooperating. If other companies work like this company, it would be beneficial for the whole country because the GDP would go up and this in turn would lead to better opportunities and better living conditions for all Sierra Leoneans.