By: Audrey John

19yrs old Abibatu Bah made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two count charges to wit Conspiracy to commit a felony contrary to law and Larceny contrary to section 2 of the Larceny Act 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on the 5th February,2022 at Roy Hotel, room 102, Lumley beach road Aberdeen the western area in Freetown conspired together and with other persons unknown to commit a crime to wit larceny on count two on the same date and place did steal one IPhone 13 Pro Max mobile phones bearing international mobile equipment identification number (IMEI,355908662563068) other items valued sixty four million two hundred and three thousand Leones(64,203,000) property of Sam Ghamloush.  

Led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of police Christiana Davies Cole Esq, third Prosecution witness (PW3) DPC 13105 Abdulai Dumbuya attached to the Criminal Investigation Department CID headquarters Pademba Road Freetown said he knew the complainant in this matter and recognized the accused person.

PW3 continued that on the 12th February 2022 whilst on duties at the said Headquarter the complainant made a report the matter was allocated to him for investigation, and on the same day they visited the crime scene at room 104 Roy’s Hotel Lumley beach road himself together with Inspector Mohamed Lamin Sesay.

The witness said they observed that the room of the complainant was scattered and the complainant identified the area which the missing items was, they returned to the station on the 3rd March 2022  DPC 19012 Mohamed Bangura attached Aberdeen police station arrested and brought in the accused person.

 According to the witness the accused was later identified by the complainant on the same date and he obtained cautioned statement from the accused person; the charge statement was produce and tendered in court marked as exhibit A1-10.

The witness further stated that on the 3rd March 2022 a search warrant was conducted at the premises of the accused person during that time the accused person identified five dresses that she use the stolen money to big and the dresses was treated as exhibits which was handed over to the exhibit clerk himself DPC 18764 Kamara F, DPC 13334 Bangura M witness the search warrant was produce and tendered in court and marked as exhibit B1-2.

On the 8th March 2022 he and DPC 14063 Gbla I. B charged the accused person with the offence of Larceny the charge statement was produce and tendered in court and marked as exhibit C1-2.  Cross examination was done by the accused person.

Matter adjourned to the 6th June 2022 for further hearing.

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