With the high level of crime caused by young people, the Police at Lunsar in the Port Loko district and with help from one Osman Kamara (alias Fabulous) to discovered ammunition used by armed robbers.
Osman Kamara {alias Fabulous} was on Tuesday 5th July 2022 during the evening hours arrested as there was a Warrants of Arrest for him and his colleagues. Upon interrogation, he informed the Police that his colleagues at Port Loko are in possession of certain weapons.
Yesterday, a team of Police personnel led by D/ASP Jimmy J Momoh Crime Officer Lunsar Division reached for Port Loko in search of the mentioned colleagues on board SLP 151 and AQA 373 respectively.
According to ASP Momoh, said they arrived at the Port Loko Divisional Headquarters were they made their presence known and two personnel were added to strengthen the squad. Alias Fabulous led the team to the Kamaranka area where he identified a house where Joseph Kamara {alias Ice} whom he alleged owns two guns.
He added that they woke up alias ‘Ice’ while he was sleeping with his fiancee Mariama Blango {alias Star Zie}, and was questioned about alleged possession of weapons, but told the police that the weapons are with his other colleague, Ibrahim Koroma { alias Garbon} who was residing at No. 2 Kambia Road, Port Loko.
“We left alias Ice premise for one alias Effort’s house at the same Kamaranka Area where we arrested Bai Kargbo {alias Effort} with his girlfriend Haja Bangura who also told us that, alias Gabon is in possession of two guns” Police said.
Later, alias Garbon was arrested and led the police to where he kept the guns which were under his bed in a black bag.
The team offloaded the bag and discovered two guns as detailed below;
One NP 18, 9×19 mm with S/N: SL/SLP 14/13501813-9 with one {1} live round, and
One AK 47 riffle with S/N: 13632934 with thirteen {13} live rounds.
Weapons are now with the Divisional Armorer {PC 17340 KANU Ibrahim} for safe keeping. Investigations in progress.