April 14, 2021

By: Francis F.M.Harding

The opposition strong man for the All Peoples Congress (APC), Alhaji Dr. Alpha Kanu said the people of Port Loko District should see the need to embrace and support the aims and aspirations of the Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh as a God sent gift, regardless of the Political Party he represents.

Alhaji Dr. Alpha Kanu was addressing his fellow descendants of Port Loko District during a session he had over the weekend.

Dr. Kanu said Port Loko wanted the position of President under the APC but are now been blessed with a Vice President from another Political Party. He said they should resolve their differences and offer supports to the Vice President who is an indigene of the District.  

The purpose of the district tour was for the Vice President to have direct discussions with key stakeholders on their expectation, the potential challenges and to as well strategize ways and means of responding to the burning issues. The meeting was to be held behind in close doors and one group after the other in accordance with the COVID-19 Protocols However the Vice president was compelled by the spirited mammoth crowd that came out to see him in person.

 The entire district was aglow with the spirit of welcoming their son and father back home. It was a demonstration of genuine love that spread across other settlements Masiaka, Lower Koya and Songo where the Vice President stopped over.

Dr.Jalloh said he was in the district as an indigene that is ready to give all support he can offer. He therefore encouraged the people of Port Loko to table their expectations, challenges and suggest possible solutions to the problems identified.

 At Gberay Junction, Kanasondo, Lokomasama and Kaffu Bullom, the Vice President used the occasion to brief them about the desire of President Bio inherited challenges. He said even though the COVID-19 posed a threat in actualizing the dreams of the President they are making progress in many areas in developing the country. The Vice President assured the gathering of the Government’s determination to continue to do its best in the provision of gainful employment adding that more mining companies will soon emerge to address the issue of unemployment.

 On agriculture, the Vice president said it is the wish of the Government to introduce Mechanized Farming. The Vice President said the equipment has already been procured. He said that Mr. Mohamed Alpha Gassama- a master farmer who doubles as a native of Gbainty Wallah, the leading rice producing area in the district, is the bid winner and man in charge of all the farming activities in the port Loko district.

The Vice president therefore admonished all those who would want to access either tractors or fertilizer to go through Mr. Gassama. The women and other business people who requested for micro credit support, the religious leaders who pleaded for the construction or the rehabilitation of their mosques were all assured of an immediate response.

In concluding, the Vice president promised to liaise with the National Commission for Social Action for the construction of some of the roads.

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