By Audrey Raymonda John

Thirty years old Michael Samu, a plumber and Twenty-seven years old Sahr James Junisa, a bike rider made their first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on four count charges two ranging from unlawful possession of Kush contrary to section 8 (a) of the national drugs control Act 2008 Act No.10 of 2008 and two count ranging selling a prohibited drugs without lawful authority contrary to section 8 (a) of the national drugs control Act 2008 Act No.10 of 2008.

According to the particulars of offence on Sunday 28th January 2024 at Carrol drive Guma compound, Hill station the mountain rural district the western area in Freetown the first accused person was found with twenty-seven wraps of Kush weighing 14.4 grams without lawful authority.

On count two the second accused person was found with twelve (12) wraps of Kush weighing 14.4 grams without lawful authority. On count three, the first accused person on the above date and place was found selling a prohibited drug to wit twenty-seven wraps of Kush weighing 14.4 grams without lawful authority.

On count four the second accused person on the above date and place was found selling a prohibited drug to wit twelve wraps of Kush weighing 14.4 grams without lawful authority.

When the charge was read and explained to the accused persons, they pleaded not guilty.

The prosecutor informed the Bench that his witness is absent he therefore seeks for a short adjournment date.

The accused persons were unrepresented by a legal representative.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Kekura refused bail and sent to both accused persons to the male correctional center in Freetown.

The matter adjourned to the 15th February 2024 for further hearing, Inspector Kadie M Taylor is prosecuting the matter.


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