By: Audrey John

Mohamed Munya Lahun a police officer made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Keikura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two counts charge to wit Conspiracy to defraud contrary to law and Obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916

According to the particulars of offence on diverse dates between 1st September and 30th November 2021 in Freetown with intent to defraud conspired together with other persons unknown to defraud Salamatu Sylba forte the total sum of twenty three thousand united States dollars equivalent to two hundred and forty one million five hundred and seventy thousand Leones(241,570,000).

 On count two at the same place and date with intent to defraud obtained the said amount from the said complainant from her on the pretext that you will facilitate the movement of his nephews to the United States of America knowing same to be false.

Led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of police Christiana Davies Cole Prosecution witness number one Salamatu Sylba forte she recalled testifying in court the witness said the accused person told her to buy two air tickets for her nephew at three thousand five hundred United States dollars the accused person told her to send the aforesaid money to one Roland Wright.

 She sent the Money through the App to the said Roland Wright as directed by the accused person the witness said she has receipt to the effect the receipt was produced and tendered in court and marked as exhibit H1-4.

 The accused sent her a WhatsApp message that he has received the three thousand five hundred United State dollars the witness produced a copy of the WhatsApp message and it was tendered as exhibit J1-2.

 He called and informed her that the money is not enough so she should send another five hundred United States dollars and she told the accused person that she didn’t have money now but her brother in Freetown Musa Sannoh will give him the said money and Musa Sannoh sent her a copy of the money he sent to the accused person, the copy was produced and tendered in court and marked as exhibit Z 1-3.

 The witness said the accused requested for boarding fee of three thousand five hundred United States dollars and she told the accused person that she didn’t have money any longer the witness said she didn’t send the boarding fees.

 The accused told her that her nephew will not travel to the United States of America the witness said when the accused person told her that she Googled and saw whether the Visa he sent was authentic.

 The witness said she Googled it and proved that the Visas are fake and she requested for her money to the accused person because the Visa is fake.

 The accused started abusing her and told her to go and report him to the police and told her that he is the third person in Sierra Leone after the president and vice president.

 The witness said when she travelled to Sierra Leone she reported the accused person to the Criminal Investigation Department Cid headquarters Pademba Road Freetown.

 They obtained statements from her and on her way out she saw the motorbike which the accused person load and took snap shots of the said motorbike, the registration number of the said motorbike AON 843 she informed the  investigator and he also gave her certain information about the accused person.

The investigator called her to identify the accused person she identified the accused based on the photograph he took with her brother and she later made statement to the police station.

The witness was cross examined by defense counsel G.A Tarawally

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