By Audrey John

40yrs old Joseph Mannah a business man made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on three court charges to wit Conspiracy to defraud contrary to law, Money laundering contrary to section 15 (1) (a) of the Ant Money laundering and Combating of financing of terrorism Act 2012 Act No.2 of 2012 and Obtaining money by false pretences contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916

According to the particulars of offence on Friday 28th May 2021 at Grass field the western area in Freetown with intent to defraud obtained conspired together with other persons unknown to defraud Abdul Mark Dumbuya the sum of twenty thousand united States dollars equivalent to two hundred and twenty million Leones(220,000,000) on count two at the same place and date defraud from the said complainant an unlawful activity property of the said Abdul Mark Dumbuya and on count three the accused person by falsely that he has two 814 Trucks for sale knowing same to be false

Led in evidence by Deputy Superintendent of police Isatu Gbassay Fofanah.

Prosecution witness number three Ibrahim Jalloh a Business man at Wesleyan junction, Grassfield, East End. He said he recognized the accused in the matter and Abdul Mark who is the complainant.

He Recalled the 28th May 2021. On that day I was at the shop when the accused came and asked me about the cost of two Panasonic speakers. I told him that they cost le300, 000 but we agreed on le250…After sometime, he sat in front of the shop.

At that time the complainant came with some men including the accused person outside.

The accused together with the complainant and the other men went inside the shop to discuss. I was not hearing what they said but in there, the complainant took out some dollars from his bag and gave it to the accused. The accused took the money, counted it and later, the complainant left the shop with the other men leaving the accused behind.

After that the accused and I continued to the negotiate for the speakers but he couldn’t meet the price of the speakers.

 After the accused left, he came and asked me about the complainant, he came with another who helped to convey the reason why the complainant was in a confused state. At the instance of his explanation, we were able to understand that the complainant was duped by the accused. After that, I was invited to the police station to make a statement on the said matter. The witness stated that the first time the witness went with the other guys, he was not wounded.

Cross Examination by defense counsel Jessie M Jengo representing the accused person you stated that the statement of the accused was what he told the police, the police read the statement to him and he signed it. He said he could recognize the statement if seen. The witness reiterated that he told the police that the complainant and other four men came.  

Jengo made an application pursuant to Section 190 subsection 1&2 for the statement of the witness made at the police station to be formed as part of the court.

Magistrate Keikura granted the application and it was marked as exhibit E1-3.

Defense counsel continues

The witness stated that he told the police that the complainant gave some money to the accused. The witness said he is unable to tell the time they spent at the shop at the time the complainant returned to the shop for the second time. The witness said he told the police that the accused had a wound on his forehead but the police did not include that in his statement. The matter is adjourned to the 26th April 2022.

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