The acting chief Administrator Koidu New Sembehun City Council, who also doubles as the substantive human Resource officer of the council Josiah Kondewa has strongly refuted the allegations by some members of the public that some transferred Koidu New Sembehun City Council staff have taken along the council’s equipment to their new places of work.

This allegation making the rounds has created mixed feelings among some of the council’s staff and elected officials.

According to Josiah Kondewa the said allegations are untrue, baseless and unfounded; adding none of the newly transferred staff of the Koidu New Sembehun City Council has completed a handing over of the council’s property or equipment in their custody prior to their transfers as the mayor of the council was on vacation.

He maintained that all the newly transferred staff of the KNSCC are going to do proper handing over of the council’s property assigned to them whilst working for the KNSCC to the deputy chief Administrator of the council and he will in return take record of the handed over equipment for further submission to the mayor as per administrative protocols.

Mr. Kondewa pointed out that, the transfer of the council staff is part of the standard administrative protocols happening at the twenty two local councils across the country. The substantive human Resource officer and acting Chief Administrator Koidu New Sembehun City Council said the allegations he thinks emanated from little or no knowledge of the transfer protocols he therefore urged the general public to rely on verified information rather than settling for rumours.

“The Koidu New Sembehun City Council is committed to upholding transparency and accountability in its operations,” Josiah Kondewa stressed.

Asked to know what is going to be the intervention of the council with regard the recent flooding at both Gbense and the main Konomanyi lorry park, Mr Kondewa said that despite the two affected places are naturally water ways thus prone to flooding the council over the years has applied its tireless efforts to mitigate the said flooding but the unfriendly human activities within the city that do deposit their waste in the drainages are responsible for making the efforts of the council fruitless whenever there’s any heavy down pour.

He said the allegation of the Koidu New Sembehun City Council approving construction work in wet lands and waterways is untrue, noting  such structures are not within the jurisdiction of the council rather the ministry of Lands and country planning and some chiefs as per the land tenure system in the District.

He appealed to all and sundry especially people at the flooded areas to maintain cleanliness in order to avoid the reoccurrence of such social and health menace.

He concluded by sympathizing with those that the flooding affected adding with sincere concerted efforts flooding will be the thing of the past in the already affected areas and the municipality of Koidu as a whole.

However, critics of the Koidu New Sembehun City Council maintained that the council should have prevented the said flooding from occurring especially at the main Konomanyi lorry park as the KNSCC is believed to have secured funds from an institution to pave the said park to avoid flooding but to no avail and have called on the Anti -Corruption Commission to thoroughly investigate the matter.

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